define(['util', 'jquery'], function(util, $) { /** * The maximum number of items kept in local history for a specific WH output. * * @type {number} */ var HISTORY_ITEMS_MAX_COUNT = 30; /** * Test if a browser local storage is available. * * @returns {boolean} Returns true if local storage is available. */ function localStorageAvailable() { try { var storage = window["localStorage"], x = '__storage_test__'; storage.setItem(x, x); storage.removeItem(x); return true; } catch (e) { util.debug(e); return false; } } /** * @returns {string} Get the key to use for reading from local storage. It is unique for a WH output. */ function getSearchHistoryKey() { var wh_root = $('meta[name=wh-path2root]').attr('content'); if (wh_root == null || wh_root == undefined || wh_root.length == 0) { wh_root = "index.html"; } else { wh_root += "index.html"; } var wh_root_path = resolveRelativePath(wh_root); return wh_root_path + "_search_history_items"; } /** * Resolve a relative path to the current browser location. * * @param relPath The relative path to resolve. * @returns {string} The resolved URL. */ function resolveRelativePath(relPath) { var link = document.createElement("a"); link.href = relPath; return (link.protocol + "//" + + link.pathname + + link.hash); } return { /** * Add a search query to the history. * * @param searchQuery The search query to add. */ addSearchQueryToHistory: function (searchQuery) { util.debug("Add search query to history: ", searchQuery); if (localStorageAvailable()) { searchQuery = searchQuery.toLowerCase(); var localStorageKey = getSearchHistoryKey(); try { var localStorageItems = window.localStorage.getItem(localStorageKey); if (!localStorageItems) { // Local storage is empty for the current WH output. var hItemsArray = []; hItemsArray.push(searchQuery); var valToSave = JSON.stringify(hItemsArray); util.debug("Save to local storage: ", valToSave) window.localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, valToSave); } else { // There are local storage items for current WH output var lastSearchItemsArray = JSON.parse(localStorageItems); var idx = lastSearchItemsArray.indexOf(searchQuery); if (idx != -1) { // Promote history item util.debug("Promote history item:", lastSearchItemsArray); lastSearchItemsArray.splice(idx, 1); } // Add first lastSearchItemsArray.unshift(searchQuery); // Ensure local history items do not exceed the MAX limit if (lastSearchItemsArray.length > HISTORY_ITEMS_MAX_COUNT) { lastSearchItemsArray.splice(HISTORY_ITEMS_MAX_COUNT); } // Save to local storage. var newVal = JSON.stringify(lastSearchItemsArray); window.localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, newVal); } } catch (e) { util.debug("Exception when trying to save to local storage: ", e); window.localStorage.removeItem(localStorageKey); } } else { util.debug("Local storage is not available"); } }, /** * Get the search history items from local storage. * * @returns {Array} The array with search history items. */ getHistorySearchItems: function () { var toRet = []; if (localStorageAvailable()) { var localStorageKey = getSearchHistoryKey(); try { var lastLocalStorage = window.localStorage.getItem(localStorageKey); if (lastLocalStorage) { // Convert to array var lastSearchItemsArray = JSON.parse(lastLocalStorage); if (Array.isArray(lastSearchItemsArray)) { toRet = lastSearchItemsArray; } } } catch (e) { util.debug("Exception when reading from local storage: ", e); window.localStorage.removeItem(localStorageKey); } } return toRet; }, /** * Remove from local storage a history item. * * @param historyItem The history item to remove. * @returns {boolean} True if item was removed. */ removeSearchHistoryItem: function (historyItem) { var removed = false; if (localStorageAvailable()) { var localStorageKey = getSearchHistoryKey(); try { var lastLocalStorage = window.localStorage.getItem(localStorageKey); if (lastLocalStorage) { // Convert to array var lastSearchItemsArray = JSON.parse(lastLocalStorage); if (Array.isArray(lastSearchItemsArray)) { historyItem = historyItem.toLowerCase(); var idx = lastSearchItemsArray.indexOf(historyItem); if (idx != -1) { // Remove from local storage lastSearchItemsArray.splice(idx, 1); var newVal = JSON.stringify(lastSearchItemsArray); window.localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, newVal); removed = true; } } } } catch (e) { util.debug("Exception when removing from local storage: ", e); window.localStorage.removeItem(localStorageKey); } } return removed; } } });