define(function() { var modulePaths = { // core "webhelp" : "core/webhelp", "expand": "core/expand", "polyfill": "core/polyfill", // context sensitive help "context-help" : "context-help/context-help", "context-help-map" : "context-help/context-help-map", // navigation links "menu" : "nav-links/menu-loader", "toc" : "nav-links/toc-loader", "nav" : "nav-links/nav", // search "search-init" : "search/search-init", "search" : "search/search", "nwSearchFnt" : "search/nwSearchFnt", "searchAutocomplete" : "search/searchAutocomplete", "searchHistoryItems" : "search/searchHistoryItems", // search index "index" : "search/index/index", "link2parent" : "search/index/link-to-parent", "stopwords" : "search/index/stopwords", "index-1" : "search/index/index-1", "index-2" : "search/index/index-2", "index-3" : "search/index/index-3", "htmlFileInfoList" : "search/index/htmlFileInfoList", "keywords" : "search/index/keywords", // stemmers "stemmer" : "search/stemmers/stemmer", "en_stemmer" : "search/stemmers/en_stemmer", "de_stemmer" : "search/stemmers/de_stemmer", "fr_stemmer" : "search/stemmers/fr_stemmer", // options "options" : "options/options", "properties" : "options/properties", // utilities "util" : "util/util", "parseuri" : "util/parseuri", // i18n "localization" : "localization/localization", "strings" : "localization/strings", // image maps "image-map" : "image-map/image-map", // Publishing template JS module loader "template-module-loader" : "template/template-module-loader", // Publishing Template base directory "template-base-dir" : "../template", // jquery-private "jquery-private" : "jquery-private/jquery-private", "jquery.highlight.amd" : "jquery-private/jquery.highlight.amd", "jquery.bootpag.amd" : "jquery-private/jquery.bootpag.amd", "jquery.rwdImageMaps.amd" : "jquery-private/jquery.rwdImageMaps.amd", /******************************************************** **************** 3rd Party Libraries ******************* ********************************************************/ // JQuery "jquery" : "../lib/jquery/jquery-3.5.1.min", // JQuery UI "jquery.ui" : "../lib/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min", // JQuery Highlight "jquery.highlight" : "../lib/jquery-highlight/jquery.highlight-3", // JQuery Image maps highlighter "jquery.maphilight" : "../lib/maphighlight/jquery.maphilight.min", // JQuery Responsive image maps "jquery.rwdImageMaps" : "../lib/rwdImageMaps/jquery.rwdImageMaps.min", // JQuery Bootpag "jquery.bootpag" : "../lib/jquery-bootpag/jquery.bootpag.min", // Popper "bootstrap" : "../lib/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.bundle.min", "kuromoji" : "../lib/kuromoji/kuromoji" }; var shimConfig = { // Responsive image maps "jquery.rwdImageMaps" : { deps: ["jquery"], exports : "jQuery.fn.rwdImageMaps" }, // JQuery Highlight "jquery.highlight" : { deps: ["jquery"], exports : "jQuery.fn.highlight" }, // JQuery Bootpag "jquery.bootpag" : { deps: ["jquery"], exports : "jQuery.fn.bootpag" }, }; requirejs.config({ paths : modulePaths, shim : shimConfig, map: { // @see // '*' means all modules will get 'jquery-private' // for their 'jquery' dependency. "*": { "jquery": "jquery-private", "jquery.rwdImageMaps" : "jquery.rwdImageMaps.amd", "jquery.highlight" : "jquery.highlight.amd", "jquery.bootpag" : "jquery.bootpag.amd" }, // 'jquery-private' wants the real jQuery module // though. If this line was not here, there would // be an unresolvable cyclic dependency. "jquery-private": { "jquery": "jquery" }, "jquery.rwdImageMaps.amd" : {"jquery.rwdImageMaps" : "jquery.rwdImageMaps"}, "jquery.highlight.amd" : {"jquery.highlight" : "jquery.highlight"}, "jquery.bootpag.amd" : {"jquery.bootpag" : "jquery.bootpag"} } }); });