define(["keywords", "searchHistoryItems", "options", "jquery", "jquery.ui"], function(keywordsInfo, searchHistory, options, $) { // Install search autocomplete $(document).ready(function () { if (options.getBoolean("")) { var searchFunction = function (request, response) { var searchTerm = request.term.toLowerCase(); // Get history proposals. var historyItems = getHistoryProposals(searchTerm); var titlePhrases = []; var phraseIds = []; var keywords = keywordsInfo.keywords; var ph =; var words = searchTerm.split(" "); var sameHi; // Iterate over words for (var wi = 0; wi < words.length; wi++) { var cw = words[wi].trim(); if (cw.length > 0) { // Iterate over keywords to find the ones that contains the word var newPhraseIds = []; for (var i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++) { if (keywords[i].w.toLowerCase().indexOf(cw) == 0) { // Word was found var phIds = keywords[i].p; for (var pj = 0; pj < phIds.length; pj++) { var pid = phIds[pj]; if (wi == 0) { newPhraseIds.push(pid); } else { // Keep only phrase indices that contains all words if (phraseIds.indexOf(pid) != -1) { newPhraseIds.push(pid); } } } } } phraseIds = newPhraseIds; } } if (phraseIds.length > 0) { // Compute proposals from titles/keywords for (var pi = 0; pi < phraseIds.length; pi++) { var wIdx = ph[phraseIds[pi]]; var pStr = ""; for (var wi = 0; wi < wIdx.length; wi++) { var word = keywords[wIdx[wi]].w; if (wi == 0) { word = word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.substr(1); } pStr += word; if (wi < wIdx.length - 1) { pStr += " "; } } // Test if items is already in history proposals for (var i = 0; i < historyItems.length; i++) { if (pStr.toLocaleLowerCase() == historyItems[i]) { sameHi = true; break; } } if (sameHi == null) { var hp = { label: pStr.toLowerCase(), value: pStr.toLowerCase(), type: "title" }; titlePhrases.push(hp); } } } else { var lastWord = words[words.length - 1]; var beforeLastWord = request.term.substring(0, searchTerm.lastIndexOf(lastWord)); for (var i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++) { if (keywords[i].w.toLowerCase().indexOf(cw) == 0) { var proposal = beforeLastWord + keywords[i].w; // Test if items is already in history proposals for (var j = 0; j < historyItems.length; j++) { if (proposal.toLocaleLowerCase() == historyItems[j]) { sameHi = true; break; } } if (sameHi == null) { var hp = { label: proposal.toLowerCase(), value: proposal.toLowerCase(), type: "keyword" }; titlePhrases.push(hp); } } } } var res = []; res = res.concat(historyItems); res = res.concat(titlePhrases); response(res); }; // Uncomment the following code if you want to take into account the border radius of the search input /* var leftMargin = parseInt($("#textToSearch").css("border-bottom-left-radius")); var rightMargin = parseInt($("#textToSearch").css("border-bottom-right-radius")); */ var autocompleteObj = $("#textToSearch").autocomplete({ source: searchFunction, minLength: 3 // Uncomment the following code if you want to take into account the border radius of the search input /* , position: {my : "left+" + leftMargin + " top"} */ }); // Close autocomplete on ENTER $("#textToSearch").keydown(function (event) { if (event.which == 13 && $("#textToSearch").length > 1) { $("#textToSearch").autocomplete("close"); $("#searchForm").submit(); } }); var auObj ="ui-autocomplete"); // Set width of the autocomplete area // Uncomment the following code if you want to take into account the border radius of the search input /* auObj._resizeMenu = function(){ parseInt($("#textToSearch").outerWidth()) - leftMargin - rightMargin ); }; */ // Install a renderer auObj._renderItem = function (ul, item) { // Text to search var tts = $("#textToSearch").val(); tts = tts.toLowerCase(); var words = tts.split(" "); /*console.log("Render item:", item);*/ var proposal = item.label; // Highlight words from search query var pw = proposal.split(" "); var newProposal = ""; for (var pwi = 0; pwi < pw.length; pwi++) { var cpw = pw[pwi]; if (cpw.trim().length > 0) { // Iterate over words var added = false; for (var wi = 0; wi < words.length; wi++) { var w = words[wi].trim(); if (w.length > 0) { // Iterate over keywords to find the ones // Highlight the text to search try { w = w.replace("\\", "\\\\") .replace(")", "\\)") .replace("(", "\\("); var cpwh = cpw.replace( new RegExp("(" + w + ")", 'i'), "$1"); } catch (e) { debug(e); } if (cpwh != cpw) { newProposal += cpwh; added = true; break; } } } if (!added) { newProposal += cpw; } if (pwi < pw.length - 1) { newProposal += " "; } } } var icon = " "; if (item.type == 'history') { icon = "h"; } var proposalIcon = $("", { class: "search-autocomplete-proposal-icon " + item.type, html: icon }); // span with proposal label var proposalLabel = $("", { class: "search-autocomplete-proposal-label", "data-value": item.value, html: newProposal }); // span with remove from history var removeButton; if (item.type == 'history') { removeButton = $("", { class: "search-autocomplete-proposal-type-history", html: "" }); $(removeButton).find("a").on("click", function (event) { removeHistoryItem(this); // Do not close the menu event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return false; }); } var li = $("
  • ", { class: "ui-menu-item", "data-value": item.value }); var divWrapper = $("
    ", { class: "ui-menu-item-wrapper" }); li.append(divWrapper); divWrapper.append(proposalIcon).append(proposalLabel); if (removeButton != null) { divWrapper.append(removeButton); } // If a search suggestion is chosen the form is submitted li.find(".ui-menu-item-wrapper").on("click", function (event) { $("#textToSearch").val($(this).find(".search-autocomplete-proposal-label").attr('data-value')); $("#searchForm").submit(); }); return li.appendTo(ul); }; $(window).resize(function () { var autocompleteObj = $("#textToSearch").autocomplete("instance");; }); } }); /** * Remove from local storage a history item. * * @param hi The renderer element. * @returns {boolean} */ function removeHistoryItem(hi) { var historyItem = hi.getAttribute("data-value"); var removed = searchHistory.removeSearchHistoryItem(historyItem); // Change label if (removed) { $(hi).attr("class", "oxy-icon oxy-icon-ok"); $(hi).parents("div").find(".search-autocomplete-proposal-label").addClass("removed-from-history"); } // Do not close the menu event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return false; } /** * Compute search proposals from history items. * * @param searchQuery The search query. * @returns {Array} The array with search proposals. */ function getHistoryProposals(searchQuery) { var toRet = []; var historyItems = searchHistory.getHistorySearchItems(); if (historyItems != null) { var words = searchQuery.split(" "); for (var i = 0; i < historyItems.length; i++) { /*console.log("History item", historyItems[i]);*/ // Test if history item match the serch query if (matchSearchHistoryItem(historyItems[i], words)) { var hp = { label: historyItems[i], value: historyItems[i], type: "history" }; toRet.push(hp); } else { /*console.log("History item does not match...");*/ } } } return toRet; } /** * Test if a history item match all words from search query. * * @param historyPhrase The history phrase. * @param words The list with words from search query. * @returns {boolean} True if history item matches the search words. */ function matchSearchHistoryItem(historyPhrase, words) { // Iterate over words var historyWords = historyPhrase.split(" "); var allWordsMatch = true; for (var wi = 0; wi < words.length && allWordsMatch; wi++) { var cw = words[wi].trim(); if (cw.length > 0) { // Iterate over keywords to find the ones that contains the word var wordFound = false; for (var i = 0; i < historyWords.length; i++) { if (historyWords[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(cw.toLowerCase()) == 0) { wordFound = true; break; } } allWordsMatch = allWordsMatch && wordFound; } } return allWordsMatch; } });