define(["options", "jquery", "nav"], function (options, $, navConfig) {
* The path of the output directory, relative to the current HTML file.
* @type {String}
var path2root = null;
// Register the hover handler for the Menu
$(document).ready ( function() {
// Add mouse listener and set the wai-aria attributes to the new value, depending on the expanded/collapsed state
$(document).on("mouseenter", ".wh_top_menu li", menuItemHovered);
// Mouse exit
$(document).on("mouseleave", ".wh_top_menu li", function () {
var stateNode = $(this).children(".topicref");
var currentState = stateNode.attr(navConfig.attrs.state);
if (currentState !== navConfig.states.leaf) {
$(this).attr("aria-expanded", "false");
stateNode.attr(navConfig.attrs.state, navConfig.states.collapsed);
* Retrieves the path of the output directory, relative to the current HTML file.
* @returns {*} the path of the output directory, relative to the current HTML file.
function getPathToRoot() {
if (path2root == null) {
path2root = $('meta[name="wh-path2root"]').attr("content");
if (path2root == null || path2root == undefined) {
path2root = "";
return path2root;
* Loads the JS file containing the list of child nodes for the current topic node.
* Builds the list of child topics element nodes based on the retrieved data.
* @param topicRefSpan The topicref 'span' element of the current node from TOC / Menu.
function retrieveChildNodes(topicRefSpan) {
var tocId = $(topicRefSpan).attr(navConfig.attrs.tocID);
if (tocId != null) {
var jsonHref = navConfig.jsonBaseDir + "/" + tocId;
function(data) {
if (data != null) {
var topics = data.topics;
var topicLi = topicRefSpan.closest('li');
var topicsLiList = createTopicsList(topics);
var loadingDotsUl = topicLi.children("ul.loading");
// Remove the loading dots from the menu.
topicRefSpan.attr(navConfig.attrs.state, navConfig.states.expanded);
} else {
topicRefSpan.attr(navConfig.attrs.state, navConfig.states.leaf);
* Creates the ul
element containing the child topic nodes of the current topic.
* @param topics The array of containing info about the child topics.
* @returns {*|jQuery|HTMLElement} the li
elements representing the child topic nodes of the current topic.
function createTopicsList(topics) {
var topicsArray = [];
topics.forEach(function(topic) {
if (! {
var topicLi = createTopicLi(topic);
return topicsArray;
* Creates the li
element containing a topic node.
* @param topic The info about the topic node.
* @returns {*|jQuery|HTMLElement} the li
element containing a topic node.
function createTopicLi(topic) {
var li = $("
if ( {
li.attr("aria-haspopup", "true");
li.attr("aria-expanded", "false");
var topicImage =;
if (topicImage != null && topicImage.href != null) {
var menuImageSpan = createMenuImageSpan(topic);
// .topicref span
var topicRefSpan = createTopicRefSpan(topic);
// append the topicref node in parent
return li;
* Creates the element containing the image icon for the current node in the menu.
* @param topic The JSON object containing the info about the associated node.
* @returns {*|jQuery|HTMLElement} the image 'span' element.
function createMenuImageSpan(topic) {
var topicImage =;
// Image span
var imgSpan = $("", {class : "topicImg"});
var isExternalReference = topicImage.scope == 'external';
var imageHref = '';
if (!isExternalReference) {
imageHref += getPathToRoot();
imageHref += topicImage.href;
var img = $("
", {
src : imageHref,
alt : topic.title
if (topicImage.height != null) {
img.attr("height", topicImage.height);
if (topicImage.width != null) {
img.attr("width", topicImage.width);
return imgSpan;
* Creates the element containing the title and the link to the topic associated to a node in the menu or the TOC.
* @param topic The JSON object containing the info about the associated node.
* @returns {*|jQuery|HTMLElement} the topic title 'span' element.
function createTopicRefSpan(topic) {
var isExternalReference = topic.scope == 'external';
// .topicref span
var topicRefSpan = $("");
if (topic.outputclass != null) {
// WH-1820 Copy the Ditaval "pass through" attributes.
var dataAttributes = topic.attributes;
if (typeof dataAttributes !== 'undefined') {
var attrsNames = Object.keys(dataAttributes);
attrsNames.forEach(function(attr) {
topicRefSpan.attr(attr, dataAttributes[attr]);
topicRefSpan.attr(navConfig.attrs.tocID, topic.tocID);
topicRefSpan.attr("id", topic.tocID + "-mi");
// Current node state
var containsChildren = hasChildren(topic);
if (containsChildren) {
// This state means that the child topics should be retrieved later.
topicRefSpan.attr(navConfig.attrs.state, navConfig.states.notReady);
} else {
topicRefSpan.attr(navConfig.attrs.state, navConfig.states.leaf);
// Topic ref link
var linkHref = '';
if (topic.href != null && topic.href != 'javascript:void(0)') {
if (!isExternalReference) {
linkHref += getPathToRoot();
linkHref += topic.href;
var link = $("", {
href: linkHref,
html: topic.title
// WH-2368 Update the relative links
var pathToRoot = getPathToRoot();
var linksInLink = link.find("a[href]");
linksInLink.each(function () {
var href = $(this).attr("href");
if (!(href.startsWith("http:") || href.startsWith("https:"))) {
$(this).attr("href", pathToRoot + href);
var imgsInLink = link.find("img[src]");
imgsInLink.each(function () {
var src = $(this).attr("src");
if (!(src.startsWith("http:") || src.startsWith("https:"))) {
$(this).attr("src", pathToRoot + src);
if (isExternalReference) {
link.attr("target", "_blank");
var titleSpan = $("", {
class: "title"
return topicRefSpan;
function hasChildren(topic) {
// If the "topics" property is not specified then it means that children should be loaded from the
// module referenced in the "next" property
var children = topic.topics;
var hasChildren;
if (children != null && children.length == 0) {
hasChildren = false;
} else if ( != null) {
hasChildren =;
} else {
hasChildren = true;
return hasChildren;
function menuItemHovered() {
var topicRefSpan = $(this).children('.topicref');
var state = topicRefSpan.attr(navConfig.attrs.state);
if (state === navConfig.states.pending) {
// Do nothing
} else if (state === navConfig.states.notReady) {
topicRefSpan.attr(navConfig.attrs.state, navConfig.states.pending);
var menuItemID = topicRefSpan.attr("id");
var dot = $("", {
class: "dot"
var loadingMarker =
$("", {
class: "loading",
"aria-labelledby" : menuItemID,
role : "menu",
html: $("- ", {
role : "menuitem",
html: [dot, dot.clone(), dot.clone()]
} else if (state === navConfig.states.expanded) {
} else if (state === navConfig.states.collapsed) {
topicRefSpan.attr(navConfig.attrs.state, navConfig.states.expanded);
if ($(this).attr("aria-expanded") != null) {
$(this).attr("aria-expanded", "true");
var dirAttr = $('html').attr('dir');
var rtlEnabled = false;
if (dirAttr=='rtl') {
rtlEnabled = true;
* Display top menu so that it will not exit the viewport.
* @param $menuItem The top menu menu 'li' element of the current node from TOC / Menu.
function handleMenuPosition($menuItem) {
// Handle menu position
var parentDir = rtlEnabled ? 'left' : 'right';
var index = $('.wh_top_menu ul').index($menuItem.parent('ul'));
var currentElementOffsetLeft = parseInt($menuItem.offset().left);
var currentElementWidth = parseInt($menuItem.width());
var currentElementOffsetRight = currentElementOffsetLeft + currentElementWidth;
var nextElementWidth = parseInt($menuItem.children('ul').width());
var offsetLeft,
offsetRight = currentElementOffsetRight + nextElementWidth;
if (index == 0) {
if (parentDir=='left') {
$menuItem.attr('data-menuDirection', 'left');
offsetLeft = currentElementOffsetRight - nextElementWidth;
if (offsetLeft <= 0) {
$menuItem.css('position', 'relative');
$menuItem.children('ul').css('right', 'auto');
$menuItem.children('ul').css('left', '0');
} else {
$menuItem.attr('data-menuDirection', 'right');
offsetRight = currentElementOffsetLeft + nextElementWidth;
if (offsetRight >= $(window).width()) {
$menuItem.css('position', 'relative');
$menuItem.children('ul').css('right', '0');
$menuItem.children('ul').css('left', 'auto');
} else {
offsetLeft = currentElementOffsetLeft - nextElementWidth;
if (parentDir == 'left') {
if (offsetLeft >= 0) {
$menuItem.attr('data-menuDirection', 'left');
$menuItem.children('ul').css('right', '100%');
$menuItem.children('ul').css('left', 'auto');
} else {
$menuItem.attr('data-menuDirection', 'right');
$menuItem.children('ul').css('right', 'auto');
$menuItem.children('ul').css('left', '100%');
} else {
if (offsetRight <= $(window).width()) {
$menuItem.attr('data-menuDirection', 'right');
$menuItem.children('ul').css('right', 'auto');
$menuItem.children('ul').css('left', '100%');
} else {
$menuItem.attr('data-menuDirection', 'left');
$menuItem.children('ul').css('right', '100%');
$menuItem.children('ul').css('left', 'auto');