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+ TestUser tool

Piotr Labudda 5 years ago
1 changed files with 91 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 91 0

+ 91 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../auth.php'; // Theme_Auth_panel_biall_net
+// index.php?_route=UrlAction_TestUser  - uruchamia defaultAction
+class RouteTool_TestUser extends RouteToolBase {
+	function defaultAction() { UI::layout([ $this, 'defaultView' ]); }
+	function defaultView() {
+		if (!User::isAdmin()) throw new Exception("Access Denied");
+		$email = V::get('email', '', $_POST);
+		$postTask = V::get('_postTask', '', $_POST);
+		$_testUserInfo = null;
+		switch ($postTask) {
+			case 'makeAccounts': {
+				Theme_Auth_panel_biall_net::makeActiveUsers($email);
+			} break;
+			case 'resetPasswd': {
+				Theme_Auth_panel_biall_net::makeActiveUsers($email);
+				$remindKey = Theme_Auth_panel_biall_net::generateRemindKey($email);
+				$resetLink = Router::getRoute('UrlAction_RemindPasswd')->getLink('rp', [ 'login' => $email, 'key' => $remindKey ]);
+				Theme_Auth_panel_biall_net::sendRemindPasswd($email, $resetLink, $recipient = "");
+			} break;
+			case 'testAuth': {
+				$passwd = V::get('passwd', '', $_POST);
+				$_testUserInfo = Theme_Auth_panel_biall_net::testAuth($email, $passwd);
+			} break;
+		}
+		echo UI::h('form', [ 'method' => "POST" ], [
+			UI::h('div', [ 'class' => "row" ], [
+				UI::h('div', [ 'class' => "col-md-offset-3 col-md-6" ], [
+					UI::h('div', [ 'class' => "form-group" ], [
+						UI::h('label', [], "Adres email"),
+						UI::h('input', [ 'type' => "text", 'name' => "email", 'value' => $email, 'class' => "form-control" ]),
+					]),
+					UI::h('div', [ 'class' => "form-group" ], [
+						UI::h('input', [ 'type' => "submit", 'value' => "Test", 'class' => "btn btn-primary" ]),
+					]),
+				]),
+			]),
+		]);
+		if (empty($email)) throw new Exception("Proszę podać adres email");
+		if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) throw new Exception("Proszę podać poprawny adres email");
+		echo UI::h('div', [], [
+			UI::h('p', [], UI::h('code', [], $email)),
+			UI::h('form', [ 'method' => "POST", 'style' => "margin:24px 0" ], [
+				UI::h('input', [ 'type' => "hidden", 'name' => "email", 'value' => $email ]),
+				UI::h('input', [ 'type' => "hidden", 'name' => "_postTask", 'value' => 'makeAccounts' ]),
+				UI::h('input', [ 'type' => "submit", 'value' => "Utwórz konta w panelu klienta", 'class' => "btn btn-warning" ]),
+			]),
+			UI::h('form', [ 'method' => "POST", 'class' => "form-horizontal", 'style' => "margin:24px 0" ], [
+				UI::h('input', [ 'type' => "hidden", 'name' => "email", 'value' => $email ]),
+				UI::h('label', [ 'class' => "col-md-1 control-label" ], "Hasło:"),
+				UI::h('div', [ 'method' => "POST", 'class' => "col-md-4"  ], [
+					UI::h('input', [ 'type' => "text", 'name' => "passwd", 'value' => '', 'class' => "form-control" ]),
+				]),
+				UI::h('input', [ 'type' => "hidden", 'name' => "_postTask", 'value' => 'testAuth' ]),
+				UI::h('input', [ 'type' => "submit", 'value' => "Testuj logowanie do panelu klienta", 'class' => "btn btn-default" ]),
+				($_testUserInfo)
+				?	UI::h('div', [ 'class' => "alert alert-success" ], [
+						UI::h('p', [], "Klient: [{$_testUserInfo['ID']}] '{$_testUserInfo['P_NAME']} {$_testUserInfo['P_NAME_SECOND']}'"),
+					])
+				:	UI::h('div', [], "..."),
+			]),
+			UI::h('form', [ 'method' => "POST", 'style' => "margin:24px 0" ], [
+				UI::h('input', [ 'type' => "hidden", 'name' => "email", 'value' => $email ]),
+				UI::h('input', [ 'type' => "hidden", 'name' => "_postTask", 'value' => 'resetPasswd' ]),
+				UI::h('input', [ 'type' => "submit", 'value' => "Reset hasła do panelu klienta", 'class' => "btn btn-danger" ]),
+			]),
+			UI::h('p', [], "All users:"),
+			UI::hTable([ 'rows' => Theme_Auth_panel_biall_net::test_fetchAllUsers($email) ]),
+			UI::h('p', [], "Active BIALL-NET users (BILLING_OWNER: 1 BN, 3 NETDAY):"),
+			UI::hTable([ 'rows' => Theme_Auth_panel_biall_net::fetchActiveUsers($email) ]),
+		]);
+		echo UI::h('div', [], [
+			UI::h('p', [], "All auth:"),
+			UI::hTable([ 'rows' => DB::getPDO()->fetchAll(" select * from PANEL_KLIENTA_BN_AUTH ") ]),
+		]);
+	}