d3.sankey = function() { var sankey = {}, nodeWidth = 24, nodePadding = 8, size = [1, 1], nodes = [], links = [], components = []; sankey.nodeWidth = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return nodeWidth; nodeWidth = +_; return sankey; }; sankey.nodePadding = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return nodePadding; nodePadding = +_; return sankey; }; sankey.nodes = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return nodes; nodes = _; return sankey; }; sankey.links = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return links; links = _; return sankey; }; sankey.size = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return size; size = _; return sankey; }; sankey.layout = function(iterations) { computeNodeLinks(); computeNodeValues(); computeNodeStructure(); computeNodeBreadths(); computeNodeDepths(iterations); computeLinkDepths(); return sankey; }; sankey.relayout = function() { computeLinkDepths(); return sankey; }; sankey.reversibleLink = function() { var curvature = .5; // Used when source is behind target, the first and last paths are simple // lines at the start and end node while the second path is the spline function forwardLink(part, d) { var x0 = d.source.x + d.source.dx, x1 = d.target.x, xi = d3.interpolateNumber(x0, x1), x2 = xi(curvature), x3 = xi(1 - curvature), y0 = d.source.y + d.sy, y1 = d.target.y + d.ty, y2 = d.source.y + d.sy + d.dy, y3 = d.target.y + d.ty + d.dy; switch (part) { case 0: return "M" + x0 + "," + y0 + "L" + x0 + "," + (y0 + d.dy); case 1: return "M" + x0 + "," + y0 + "C" + x2 + "," + y0 + " " + x3 + "," + y1 + " " + x1 + "," + y1 + "L" + x1 + "," + y3 + "C" + x3 + "," + y3 + " " + x2 + "," + y2 + " " + x0 + "," + y2 + "Z"; case 2: return "M" + x1 + "," + y1 + "L" + x1 + "," + (y1 + d.dy); } } // Used for self loops and when the source is actually in front of the // target; the first element is a turning path from the source to the // destination, the second element connects the two twists and the last // twists into the target element. // // // /--Target // \----------------------\ // Source--/ // function backwardLink(part, d) { var curveExtension = 30; var curveDepth = 15; function getDir(d) { return d.source.y + d.sy > d.target.y + d.ty ? -1 : 1; } function p(x, y) { return x + "," + y + " "; } var dt = getDir(d) * curveDepth, x0 = d.source.x + d.source.dx, y0 = d.source.y + d.sy, x1 = d.target.x, y1 = d.target.y + d.ty; switch (part) { case 0: return "M" + p(x0, y0) + "C" + p(x0, y0) + p(x0 + curveExtension, y0) + p(x0 + curveExtension, y0 + dt) + "L" + p(x0 + curveExtension, y0 + dt + d.dy) + "C" + p(x0 + curveExtension, y0 + d.dy) + p(x0, y0 + d.dy) + p(x0, y0 + d.dy) + "Z"; case 1: return "M" + p(x0 + curveExtension, y0 + dt) + "C" + p(x0 + curveExtension, y0 + 3 * dt) + p(x1 - curveExtension, y1 - 3 * dt) + p(x1 - curveExtension, y1 - dt) + "L" + p(x1 - curveExtension, y1 - dt + d.dy) + "C" + p(x1 - curveExtension, y1 - 3 * dt + d.dy) + p(x0 + curveExtension, y0 + 3 * dt + d.dy) + p(x0 + curveExtension, y0 + dt + d.dy) + "Z"; case 2: return "M" + p(x1 - curveExtension, y1 - dt) + "C" + p(x1 - curveExtension, y1) + p(x1, y1) + p(x1, y1) + "L" + p(x1, y1 + d.dy) + "C" + p(x1, y1 + d.dy) + p(x1 - curveExtension, y1 + d.dy) + p(x1 - curveExtension, y1 + d.dy - dt) + "Z"; } } return function(part) { return function(d) { if (d.source.x < d.target.x) { return forwardLink(part, d); } else { return backwardLink(part, d); } } } }; // The standard link path using a constant width spline that needs a // single path element. sankey.link = function() { var curvature = .5; function link(d) { var x0 = d.source.x + d.source.dx, x1 = d.target.x, xi = d3.interpolateNumber(x0, x1), x2 = xi(curvature), x3 = xi(1 - curvature), y0 = d.source.y + d.sy + d.dy / 2, y1 = d.target.y + d.ty + d.dy / 2; return "M" + x0 + "," + y0 + "C" + x2 + "," + y0 + " " + x3 + "," + y1 + " " + x1 + "," + y1; } link.curvature = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return curvature; curvature = +_; return link; }; return link; }; // Populate the sourceLinks and targetLinks for each node. // Also, if the source and target are not objects, assume they are indices. function computeNodeLinks() { nodes.forEach(function(node) { node.sourceLinks = []; node.targetLinks = []; }); links.forEach(function(link) { var source = link.source, target = link.target; if (typeof source === "number") source = link.source = nodes[link.source]; if (typeof target === "number") target = link.target = nodes[link.target]; if (typeof source !== "number") source = link.source = nodes.find(node => node.name === link.source); if (typeof target !== "number") target = link.target = nodes.find(node => node.name === link.target); source.sourceLinks.push(link); target.targetLinks.push(link); }); } // Compute the value (size) of each node by summing the associated links. function computeNodeValues() { nodes.forEach(function(node) { if (!(node.value)) //if not already given node.value = Math.max( d3.sum(node.sourceLinks, value), d3.sum(node.targetLinks, value) ); }); } // Take the list of nodes and create a DAG of supervertices, each consisting // of a strongly connected component of the graph // // Based off: // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarjan's_strongly_connected_components_algorithm function computeNodeStructure() { var nodeStack = [], index = 0; nodes.forEach(function(node) { if (!node.index) { connect(node); } }); function connect(node) { node.index = index++; node.lowIndex = node.index; node.onStack = true; nodeStack.push(node); if (node.sourceLinks) { node.sourceLinks.forEach(function(sourceLink){ var target = sourceLink.target; if (!target.hasOwnProperty('index')) { connect(target); node.lowIndex = Math.min(node.lowIndex, target.lowIndex); } else if (target.onStack) { node.lowIndex = Math.min(node.lowIndex, target.index); } }); if (node.lowIndex === node.index) { var component = [], currentNode; do { currentNode = nodeStack.pop() currentNode.onStack = false; component.push(currentNode); } while (currentNode != node); components.push({ root: node, scc: component }); } } } components.forEach(function(component, i){ component.index = i; component.scc.forEach(function(node) { node.component = i; }); }); } // Assign the breadth (x-position) for each strongly connected component, // followed by assigning breadth within the component. function computeNodeBreadths() { layerComponents(); components.forEach(function(component, i){ bfs(component.root, function(node){ var result = node.sourceLinks .filter(function(sourceLink){ return sourceLink.target.component == i; }) .map(function(sourceLink){ return sourceLink.target; }); return result; }); }); var max = 0; var componentsByBreadth = d3.nest() .key(function(d) { return d.x; }) .sortKeys(d3.ascending) .entries(components) .map(function(d) { return d.values; }); var max = -1, nextMax = -1; componentsByBreadth.forEach(function(c){ c.forEach(function(component){ component.x = max + 1; component.scc.forEach(function(node){ if (node.layer) node.x=node.layer; else node.x = component.x + node.x; nextMax = Math.max(nextMax, node.x); }); }); max = nextMax; }); nodes .filter(function(node) { var outLinks = node.sourceLinks.filter(function(link){ return link.source.name != link.target.name; }); return (outLinks.length == 0); }) .forEach(function(node) { node.x = (node.layer)?node.x:max; }) scaleNodeBreadths((size[0] - nodeWidth) / Math.max(max, 1)); function flatten(a) { return [].concat.apply([], a); } function layerComponents() { var remainingComponents = components, nextComponents, visitedIndex, x = 0; while (remainingComponents.length) { nextComponents = []; visitedIndex = {}; remainingComponents.forEach(function(component) { component.x = x; component.scc.forEach(function(n) { n.sourceLinks.forEach(function(l) { if (!visitedIndex.hasOwnProperty(l.target.component) && l.target.component != component.index) { nextComponents.push(components[l.target.component]); visitedIndex[l.target.component] = true; } }) }); }); remainingComponents = nextComponents; ++x; } } function bfs(node, extractTargets) { var queue = [node], currentCount = 1, nextCount = 0; var x = 0; while(currentCount > 0) { var currentNode = queue.shift(); currentCount--; if (!currentNode.hasOwnProperty('x')) { currentNode.x = x; currentNode.dx = nodeWidth; var targets = extractTargets(currentNode); queue = queue.concat(targets); nextCount += targets.length; } if (currentCount == 0) { // level change x++; currentCount = nextCount; nextCount = 0; } } } //extra code for fixed layout - x part if (fixedlayout.length>0) { sankey.nodes().forEach(function(d,i){ d.x=fixedlayout[i][0]; }) } } function moveSourcesRight() { nodes.forEach(function(node) { if (!node.targetLinks.length) { node.x = d3.min(node.sourceLinks, function(d) { return d.target.x; }) - 1; } }); } function moveSinksRight(x) { nodes.forEach(function(node) { if (!node.sourceLinks.length) { node.x = x - 1; } }); } function scaleNodeBreadths(kx) { nodes.forEach(function(node) { node.x *= kx; }); } function computeNodeDepths(iterations) { var nodesByBreadth = d3.nest() .key(function(d) { return d.x; }) .sortKeys(d3.ascending) .entries(nodes) .map(function(d) { return d.values; }); initializeNodeDepth(); resolveCollisions(); for (var alpha = 1; iterations > 0; --iterations) { relaxRightToLeft(alpha *= .99); resolveCollisions(); relaxLeftToRight(alpha); resolveCollisions(); } function initializeNodeDepth() { var ky = d3.min(nodesByBreadth, function(nodes) { return (size[1] - (nodes.length - 1) * nodePadding) / d3.sum(nodes, value); }); nodesByBreadth.forEach(function(nodes) { nodes.forEach(function(node, i) { node.y = i; node.dy = node.value * ky; }); }); links.forEach(function(link) { link.dy = link.value * ky; }); } function relaxLeftToRight(alpha) { nodesByBreadth.forEach(function(nodes, breadth) { nodes.forEach(function(node) { if (node.targetLinks.length) { var y = d3.sum(node.targetLinks, weightedSource) / d3.sum(node.targetLinks, value); node.y += (y - center(node)) * alpha; } }); }); function weightedSource(link) { return center(link.source) * link.value; } } function relaxRightToLeft(alpha) { nodesByBreadth.slice().reverse().forEach(function(nodes) { nodes.forEach(function(node) { if (node.sourceLinks.length) { var y = d3.sum(node.sourceLinks, weightedTarget) / d3.sum(node.sourceLinks, value); node.y += (y - center(node)) * alpha; } }); }); function weightedTarget(link) { return center(link.target) * link.value; } } function resolveCollisions() { nodesByBreadth.forEach(function(nodes) { var node, dy, y0 = 0, n = nodes.length, i; // Push any overlapping nodes down. nodes.sort(ascendingDepth); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { node = nodes[i]; dy = y0 - node.y; if (dy > 0) node.y += dy; y0 = node.y + node.dy + nodePadding; } // If the bottommost node goes outside the bounds, push it back up. dy = y0 - nodePadding - size[1]; if (dy > 0) { y0 = node.y -= dy; // Push any overlapping nodes back up. for (i = n - 2; i >= 0; --i) { node = nodes[i]; dy = node.y + node.dy + nodePadding - y0; if (dy > 0) node.y -= dy; y0 = node.y; } } }); } function ascendingDepth(a, b) { return a.y - b.y; } //extra code for fixed layout - y part if (fixedlayout.length>0) { sankey.nodes().forEach(function(d,i){ d.y=fixedlayout[i][1]; }) } } function computeLinkDepths() { nodes.forEach(function(node) { if (parallelrendering) {} else node.sourceLinks.sort(ascendingTargetDepth); node.targetLinks.sort(ascendingSourceDepth); }); nodes.forEach(function(node) { var sy = 0, ty = 0; node.sourceLinks.forEach(function(link) { link.sy = sy; sy += link.dy; }); node.targetLinks.forEach(function(link) { link.ty = ty; ty += link.dy; }); }); function ascendingSourceDepth(a, b) { return a.source.y - b.source.y; } function ascendingTargetDepth(a, b) { return a.target.y - b.target.y; } } function center(node) { return node.y + node.dy / 2; } function value(link) { return link.value; } return sankey; };