@@ -2152,597 +2152,6 @@ function removeItemArrayInArray(arr, itemsArray) {
return arr;
return arr;
- * Function show/hide graph view
- */
-function graphShowHide(nameSection) {
- var node = $('.smad-'+nameSection+'-graph-view')
- if (!node || !node.length) return;
- if ('block' !== node.css('display')) {
- node.show()
- graphFetchData(node.get(0), nameSection)
- } else {
- node.hide()
- }
-function graphFetchData(node, nameSection) {
- var page = page || getItemLocalStorage('Bocian.biAuditForm.'+nameSection+'.pagination.page');
- if ( page === 1) {
- setItemLocalStorage('Bocian.biAuditForm.'+nameSection+'.pagination.page', 1);
- }
- var filterIdGroup = getItemLocalStorage('Bocian.biAuditForm.'+nameSection+'.filterIdGroup');
- var frm = document.getElementById('filtersFieldRemoveBtn-' + nameSection.toUpperCase()).form
- var fieldNameList = ('pracownicy' === nameSection) ? FIELD_LIST_PRACOWNICY : FIELD_LIST_KONTRAHENCI
- var filterFields = fieldNameList.filter(function (fieldName) {
- if (!frm[fieldName] && DBG) console.log('Err missing field: "'+fieldName+'"')
- return (frm[fieldName]) ? true : false
- }).map(function (fieldName) {
- return [ fieldName, frm[fieldName].value ]
- }).filter(function (filter) {
- return ( filter[1].length > 0 )
- })
- // filterFields = (filterFields.length > 0) ? '&' + filterFields : ''
- // <ogc:Filter>
- // <ogc:Or>
- // <ogc:PropertyIsLike wildCard="*" singleChar="%23" escapeChar="!">
- // <ogc:PropertyName>A_STATUS</ogc:PropertyName>
- // <ogc:Literal>*O%23MA*</ogc:Literal>
- // </ogc:PropertyIsLike>
- // <ogc:PropertyIsLike wildCard="*" singleChar="%23" escapeChar="!">
- // <ogc:PropertyName>A_STATUS</ogc:PropertyName>
- // <ogc:Literal>*ARNING</ogc:Literal>
- // </ogc:PropertyIsLike>
- // </ogc:Or>
- // </ogc:Filter>
- var ogcFilterFields = (filterFields.length > 0)
- ? '<ogc:Filter><ogc:And>' + filterFields.map(function(filter) {
- if ('ID' === filter[0].substr(2)) return '<ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>' +
- '<ogc:PropertyName>' + filter[0].substr(2) + '</ogc:PropertyName>' +
- '<ogc:Literal>' + filter[1] + '</ogc:Literal>' +
- '</ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>';
- return '<ogc:PropertyIsLike wildCard="*" singleChar="%23" escapeChar="!">' +
- '<ogc:PropertyName>' + filter[0].substr(2) + '</ogc:PropertyName>' +
- '<ogc:Literal>*' + filter[1] + '*</ogc:Literal>' +
- '</ogc:PropertyIsLike>';
- }) + '</ogc:And></ogc:Filter>'
- : ''
- var paginationLimit = 20;
- if(DBG)console.log('graphFetchData...', {
- paginationLimit: paginationLimit,
- page: page,
- filterIdGroup: filterIdGroup,
- filterFields: filterFields,
- ogcFilterFields: ogcFilterFields,
- });
- function refFieldsOnPathToList(typeName, fields) {
- var fields = fields || []
- var flatList = []
- var refPathBase = [
- ]
- flatList.push(refPathBase.concat(typeName).join('/'))
- fields.forEach(function (fieldName) {
- flatList.push(refPathBase.concat(typeName, fieldName).join('/'))
- })
- return flatList;
- }
- p5WFS_GetFeature('default_db__x3A__BI_audit_ENERGA_PRACOWNICY:BI_audit_ENERGA_PRACOWNICY',
- Object.assign({
- sortBy: 'ID+D',
- maxFeatures: paginationLimit,
- startIndex: (page - 1) * paginationLimit,
- // TODO: backRefNS, backRefPK, backRefField - TODO: from groups
- // resolve: 'all',
- // resolveDepth: 2
- 'ogc:Filter': '<wfs:Query>' + '\n' + [
- 'ID',
- 'imiona',
- 'nazwisko',
- 'miejscowosc'
- ].concat(refFieldsOnPathToList('default_db__x3A__BI_audit_KRS:BI_audit_KRS', [ 'ID', 'nazwa', 'krs', 'S_miejscowosc' ]))
- .concat(refFieldsOnPathToList('default_db__x3A__BI_audit_ENERGA_RUM_KONTRAHENCI:BI_audit_ENERGA_RUM_KONTRAHENCI', [ 'ID', 'Pelna_nazwa_kontrahenta' ]))
- .concat(refFieldsOnPathToList('default_db__x3A__BI_audit_MSIG:BI_audit_MSIG', [ 'ID', 'nazwa' ]))
- .concat(refFieldsOnPathToList('default_db__x3A__BI_audit_CEIDG:BI_audit_CEIDG', [ 'ID', 'nazwisko', 'firma' ]))
- .concat([
- // '*',
- // 'default_db__x3A__BI_audit_ENERGA_PRACOWNICY_adresy:BI_audit_ENERGA_PRACOWNICY_adresy/*',
- [
- 'ID'
- ].join('/'),
- [
- 'ID'
- ].join('/'),
- [
- 'ID'
- ].join('/')
- ]).map(function (fieldName) {
- return '<wfs:PropertyName>' + fieldName + '</wfs:PropertyName>';
- }).join('\n') + '\n' +
- ( ogcFilterFields ? ogcFilterFields : '' ) +
- '</wfs:Query>'
- }, (filterIdGroup > 0)
- ? {
- backRefNS: 'default_db/BI_audit_ENERGA_PRACOWNICY_group/BI_audit_ENERGA_PRACOWNICY_group',
- backRefPK: filterIdGroup,
- backRefField: 'default_db__x3A__BI_audit_ENERGA_PRACOWNICY:BI_audit_ENERGA_PRACOWNICY',
- }
- : {}
- )
- ).then(function (items) {
- if(DBG)console.log('p5WFS_GetFeature: items: ', items);
- graphRender(node, {
- msg: "Pobrano dane",
- typeName: ('pracownicy' === nameSection) ? 'default_db__x3A__BI_audit_ENERGA_PRACOWNICY:BI_audit_ENERGA_PRACOWNICY' : 'default_db__x3A__BI_audit_ENERGA_RUM_KONTRAHENCI:BI_audit_ENERGA_RUM_KONTRAHENCI',
- items: items
- })
- }).catch(function (err) {
- if(DBG)console.log('p5WFS_GetFeature: err: ', err);
- // graphRender(node, { msg: "Wystąpiły błędy podczas pobierania danych", nameSection: nameSection, err: err })
- })
-function graphRender(wrapNode, props) {
- var svgNode = jQuery(wrapNode).children('svg')
- svgNode = (svgNode.length) ? d3.select(svgNode.get(0)) : d3.select(wrapNode).append("svg")
- // svg.append("rect").attr("x",0).attr("y",0).attr("width","100%").attr("height","100%").attr("fill","white").attr('class','background').on('mouseup', () => redraw())
- // svgNode.attr("width", '100%')
- // .attr("height", '300px')
- // .append("g").attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")");
- // var data = parseGraphRec(props.items, props.nameSection)
- var _todoGraphData = [];
- parseResponseRec(_todoGraphData, props.items, props.typeName)
- if(DBG)console.log('_todoGraphData', _todoGraphData)
- var _nodes = [];
- var _links = [];
- var mapNodeIdToIdx = {};
- _todoGraphData.forEach(function (levelData, levelIdx) {
- if (levelData.nodes && levelData.nodes.length) {
- levelData.nodes.forEach(function (node) {
- try {
- if (node.id in mapNodeIdToIdx) return;
- _nodes.push(node) // _nodes.add(node)
- mapNodeIdToIdx[node.id] = _nodes.length - 1
- } catch (e) {
- if(DBG)console.log('_graphData.nodes.add [level='+levelIdx+'] error:', e);
- }
- })
- }
- })
- var linkIdsAdded = []
- _todoGraphData.forEach(function (levelData, levelIdx) {
- if (levelData.edges && levelData.edges.length) {
- levelData.edges.forEach(function (edge) {
- if(DBG)console.log('_graphData.edges.add [level='+levelIdx+']:', {edge, source:mapNodeIdToIdx[edge.source], target:mapNodeIdToIdx[edge.target], mapNodeIdToIdx});
- // try {
- // var source = mapNodeIdToIdx[edge.source]
- // var target = mapNodeIdToIdx[edge.target]
- // if (!source || !target) { // && !== 0
- // console.warn('(!source || !target)', {source, target, edge, mapNodeIdToIdx})
- // }
- if (-1 !== linkIdsAdded.indexOf(edge.id)) return
- // _links.push({
- // id: edge.id,
- // source: mapNodeIdToIdx[edge.source],
- // target: mapNodeIdToIdx[edge.target],
- // value: 1
- // })
- _links.push({
- id: edge.id,
- source: edge.source,
- target: edge.target,
- value: 1
- }) // _edges.add(edge)
- linkIdsAdded.push(edge.id)
- // } catch (e) {
- // if(DBG)console.log('_graphData.edges.add [level='+levelIdx+'] error:', e);
- // }
- })
- }
- })
- var totalLinks = _links.length
- // console.log('DBG:0: _links', _links)
- // console.log('DBG:1: _nodes', _nodes)
- _nodes = _nodes.filter(function (node, idx) {
- if (node.typeName !== props.typeName) return true
- for (i=0; i<totalLinks; i++) {
- var link = _links[i]
- if (_links[i].source === node.id) return true
- if (_links[i].target === node.id) return true
- }
- return false
- })
- // console.log('DBG:2: _nodes', _nodes)
- jQuery(wrapNode).find('p').remove()
- if (!_nodes || !_nodes.length) {
- jQuery(wrapNode).find('svg').remove()
- jQuery(wrapNode).append('<p>Brak powiązań</p>')
- return;
- }
- var graphData = { nodes: _nodes, links: _links };
- var graf = renderGraph(svgNode, graphData, {
- width: jQuery(wrapNode).width()
- })
- graf.on('click', (event) => {
- if(DBG)console.log('event', event)
- // event = {
- // nativeEvent: d3.event,
- // node: a,
- // element: d3.event.srcElement
- // }
- // TODO: !a.expanded && redraw({type: a.name, criteria: 'ID'})
- })
-function parseGraphRec(items, featureType, parentFeatureId) {
- var parentFeatureId = parentFeatureId || null
- var nodesArray = []
- var linksArray = []
- if (!items) return;
- items.forEach(function (item) {
- if ('string' === typeof item) {
- if(DBG)console.log('TODO: xlink "'+item+'": ', {item:item, parentFeatureId:parentFeatureId})
- return;
- }
- if (!item['ID']) {
- if(DBG)console.log('TODO: SKIP item('+featureType+') - missing ID: ', {item:item, parentFeatureId:parentFeatureId})
- return;
- }
- var id = item['ID']
- console.log('item('+featureType+'): ', {item:item, parentFeatureId:parentFeatureId})
- var featureId = featureType + '.' + id
- Object.keys(item).filter(function (fieldName) { return ('ID' !== fieldName); })
- .forEach(function (fieldName) {
- parseGraphRec(item[fieldName], fieldName, featureId)
- })
- })
- // items.forEach(element => {
- // const rowObject = hasTargetArray(element);
- // if (rowObject)
- // rowObject.array.forEach(objectElement => {
- // const trackNode = hasTargetArray(objectElement);
- // if (trackNode) {
- // let group = trackNode.name;
- // let expanded = false;
- // if (expansion && expansion.type && group === expansion.type) {
- // group = trackNode.array[0][expansion.criteria];
- // expanded = true;
- // }
- // nodes[group] = {expanded: expanded, type: trackNode.name};
- // instanceTypes[trackNode.array[0].ID] = group;
- // }
- // });
- // });
- return {
- nodes: nodesArray,
- links: linksArray
- }
-function parseResponseRec(_todoGraphData, json, typeName, parentNodeId, level) {
- var level = level || 0
- var parentNodeId = parentNodeId || null
- if(DBG)console.log('DBG::parseResponseRec', {json:json, typeName:typeName, parentNodeId:parentNodeId, isString: p5Utils__isString(json), isArray: p5Utils__isArray(json), isObject: p5Utils__isObject(json)});
- if (p5Utils__isArray(json)) {
- // TODO: create named group
- var isXlinkList = (json.length > 0 && p5Utils__isString(json[0]))
- json.forEach(function (subJson) {
- if (isXlinkList) {
- parseResponseXlinkListRec(_todoGraphData, subJson, typeName, parentNodeId, level)
- } else {
- parseResponseRec(_todoGraphData, subJson, typeName, parentNodeId, level)
- }
- })
- } else if (p5Utils__isObject(json) && isP5LinkObject(json)) {
- if(DBG)console.log('DBG::parseResponseRec isP5LinkObject');
- parseResponseP5Link(_todoGraphData, json, typeName, parentNodeId, level)
- } else if (p5Utils__isObject(json)) {
- // _todoGraphData.nodes.add({ id: nodeId, label: nodeId })
- if (!_todoGraphData[level]) _todoGraphData[level] = { nodes: [], edges: [] }
- var nodeObject = dataMakeNode({
- typeName: typeName,
- primaryKey: (json['ID']) ? json['ID'] : null, // TODO: get primaryKey from object
- row: json,
- })
- var nodeId = nodeObject.id
- if ("default_db__x3A__BI_audit_ENERGA_RUM_KONTRAHENCI_POWIAZANIA_row:BI_audit_ENERGA_RUM_KONTRAHENCI_POWIAZANIA_row" === typeName) {
- parseResponseRec__row(_todoGraphData, json, typeName, parentNodeId, level)
- }
- else if ("default_db__x3A__BI_audit_ENERGA_RUM_KONTRAHENCI_POWIAZANIA_row_object:BI_audit_ENERGA_RUM_KONTRAHENCI_POWIAZANIA_row_object" === typeName) {
- // parseResponseRec__row_object(_todoGraphData, json, typeName, parentNodeId, level)
- Object.keys(json).filter(function (fieldName) {
- return (fieldName.indexOf(':') > -1)
- })
- .forEach(function (fieldName) {
- var value = json[fieldName]
- parseResponseRec(_todoGraphData, value, fieldName, parentNodeId, level + 1)
- })
- }
- else {
- _todoGraphData[level].nodes.push(nodeObject)
- if (parentNodeId) {
- _todoGraphData[level].edges.push(dataMakeEdge(parentNodeId, nodeObject))
- }
- Object.keys(json).filter(function (fieldName) {
- return (fieldName.indexOf(':') > -1)
- })
- .forEach(function (fieldName) {
- var value = json[fieldName]
- parseResponseRec(_todoGraphData, value, fieldName, nodeId, level + 1)
- })
- }
- } else if (p5Utils__isString(json)) {
- if(DBG)console.log('TODO: Not implemented - parseResponseRec isString');
- } else {
- if(DBG)console.log('TODO: Not implemented - parseResponseRec is not string, not array and not object');
- }
-function parseResponseXlinkListRec(_todoGraphData, json, typeName, parentNodeId, level) {
- if(DBG)console.log('DBG::parseResponseRec:XlinkList', {json:json, typeName:typeName, parentNodeId:parentNodeId, isString: p5Utils__isString(json), isArray: p5Utils__isArray(json), isObject: p5Utils__isObject(json)});
- if (p5Utils__isString(json)) { // xlink "https://biuro.biall-net.pl/wfs/default_db/BI_audit_ENERGA_RUM_KONTRAHENCI#BI_audit_ENERGA_RUM_KONTRAHENCI.9233",
- var nodeId = json.substr(json.indexOf('#') + 1)
- {
- // _graphData.nodes.add({ id: nodeId, label: nodeId })
- if (!_todoGraphData[level]) _todoGraphData[level] = { nodes: [], edges: [] }
- var nodeObject = dataMakeXlinkNode({
- xlink: json,
- typeName: typeName,
- })
- _todoGraphData[level].nodes.push(nodeObject)
- if (parentNodeId) {
- _todoGraphData[level].edges.push(dataMakeEdge(parentNodeId, nodeObject))
- }
- }
- } else if (p5Utils__isObject(json) && isP5LinkObject(json)) {
- parseResponseP5Link(_todoGraphData, json, typeName, parentNodeId, level)
- } else {
- if(DBG)console.log('TODO: Not implemented - parseResponseRec:XlinkList is not string and not object');
- }
-function parseResponseP5Link(_todoGraphData, json, typeName, parentNodeId, level) {
- if(DBG)console.log('parseResponseRec isObject and P5Link - fetch more xlink object');
- // example json: { type: "next",
- // @backRefPK: "42",
- // @typeName: "default_db__x3A__BI_audit_ENERGA_RUM_KONTRAHENCI_P…ow:BI_audit_ENERGA_RUM_KONTRAHENCI_POWIAZANIA_row",
- // @startIndex: "10" }
- if (!parentNodeId) throw "Missing parentNodeId for ref link object";
- var objectName = typeName.substr(typeName.indexOf(':') + 1)
- {
- // _graphData.nodes.add({ id: nodeId, label: nodeId })
- if (!_todoGraphData[level]) _todoGraphData[level] = { nodes: [], edges: [] }
- switch (json.type) {
- case 'next': {
- // TODO: add fetch next node
- // var nodeObject = dataMakeFetchMoreNode({
- // parentNodeId: parentNodeId,
- // type: json.type,
- // objectName: objectName,
- // ref: json,
- // })
- // _todoGraphData[level].nodes.push(nodeObject)
- // _todoGraphData[level].edges.push(dataMakeFetchMoreEdge(parentNodeId, nodeObject))
- } break;
- default: {
- if(DBG)console.log('TODO: Not implemented - parseResponseRec isObject with type "'+json.type+'" - fetch more xlink object');
- }
- }
- }
-function parseResponseRec__row(_todoGraphData, json, typeName, parentNodeId, level) {
- var nodeObject = dataMakeNode({
- typeName: typeName,
- primaryKey: (json['ID']) ? json['ID'] : null, // TODO: get primaryKey from object
- })
- var nodeId = nodeObject.id
- // 'default_db__x3A__BI_audit_ENERGA_RUM_KONTRAHENCI_POWIAZANIA_row_object:BI_audit_ENERGA_RUM_KONTRAHENCI_POWIAZANIA_row_object',
- // 'default_db__x3A__BI_audit_KRS:BI_audit_KRS' --> Kontrahenci
- var rowObjectChildrens = []
- var rowObjTN = 'default_db__x3A__BI_audit_ENERGA_RUM_KONTRAHENCI_POWIAZANIA_row_object:BI_audit_ENERGA_RUM_KONTRAHENCI_POWIAZANIA_row_object'
- // { row: row_obj: [ { ID, kontr: [ "http...kontr.ID" ] }, { ID, kontr: [ "http...krs.ID" ] } ], ... }
- var rowJson = json
- if (rowJson[rowObjTN] && rowJson[rowObjTN].length > 1) {
- var pathItems = []
- rowJson[rowObjTN].forEach(function (rowObjJson) {
- Object.keys(rowObjJson)
- .filter(function (rowObjFld) { return (-1 !== rowObjFld.indexOf(':')); })
- .filter(function (rowObjRefFld) { return (rowObjJson[rowObjRefFld] && rowObjJson[rowObjRefFld].length); })
- .forEach(function (rowObjRefFld) {
- pathItems.push([ rowObjRefFld, rowObjJson[rowObjRefFld][0] ])
- })
- })
- }
- // console.log('node('+nodeId+') pathItems:', pathItems);
- var lastParentFid = null
- pathItems.reverse().forEach(function (pathItem) {
- var nodeObject = ('string' === typeof pathItem[1])
- ? dataMakeXlinkNode({
- xlink: pathItem[1],
- typeName: pathItem[0]
- })
- : dataMakeNode({
- typeName: pathItem[0],
- primaryKey: (pathItem[1]['ID']) ? pathItem[1]['ID'] : null,
- row: pathItem[1]
- })
- ;
- // _todoGraphData[todoLevel].nodes.push(nodeObject) // already added below
- if (lastParentFid) _todoGraphData[level].edges.push(dataMakeEdge(lastParentFid, nodeObject))
- lastParentFid = nodeObject.id
- })
- Object.keys(json).filter(function (fieldName) {
- return (fieldName.indexOf(':') > -1)
- })
- .forEach(function (fieldName) {
- var value = json[fieldName]
- parseResponseRec(_todoGraphData, value, fieldName, parentNodeId, level + 1)
- })
-function isP5LinkObject(json) {
- if ( !('type' in json) || !json['type'] ) return false;
- if ( !('value' in json) || !json['value'] ) return false;
- if ( !('@typeName' in json) || !json['@typeName'] ) return false;
- if ( !('@startIndex' in json) || !json['@startIndex'] ) return false;
- if ( !('@backRefPK' in json) || !json['@backRefPK'] ) return false;
- if ( !('@backRefNS' in json) || !json['@backRefNS'] ) return false;
- return true;
-function dataMakeNode(params) {
- var objectName = params.typeName.substr(params.typeName.indexOf(':') + 1)
- var nodeId = objectName + '.' + params.primaryKey // TODO: primaryKey?
- var graphNode = {
- id: nodeId,
- name: nodeId,
- group: objectName,
- _loaded: true,
- typeName: params.typeName,
- primaryKey: params.primaryKey // TODO: _primaryKey
- }
- if (params.row) graphNode.row = params.row
- return graphAddNodeLabel(graphNode)
-function dataMakeEdge(parentNodeId, nodeObject) {
- return {
- id: parentNodeId + nodeObject.id,
- source: parentNodeId,
- target: nodeObject.id,
- }
-function dataMakeXlinkNode(params) {
- var objectName = params.typeName.substr(params.typeName.indexOf(':') + 1)
- var nodeId = params.xlink.substr(params.xlink.indexOf('#') + 1)
- var primaryKey = nodeId.substr(nodeId.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)
- var graphNode = {
- id: nodeId,
- name: nodeId,
- group: objectName,
- _loaded: false,
- typeName: params.typeName,
- primaryKey: primaryKey
- }
- return graphAddNodeLabel(graphNode)
-function dataMakeFetchMoreNode(params) {
- // params = {
- // parentNodeId: parentNodeId,
- // type: json.type,
- // objectName: objectName,
- // ref: json,
- // }
- if(DBG)console.log('DBG dataMakeFetchMoreNode(params)', params)
- var nodeId = params.parentNodeId+'fetch-more-features-'+params.type+'-on-' + params.objectName;
- return {
- id: nodeId,
- label: 'Pobierz więcej (+)',
- group: 'fetch-more-data', // params.objectName,
- _loaded: false,
- _type: 'ref',
- parentNodeId: params.parentNodeId,
- ref: params.ref,
- // typeName: typeName,
- // primaryKey: nodeId.substr(nodeId.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)
- };
-function dataMakeFetchMoreEdge(parentNodeId, fetchMoreNode) {
- // @param parentNodeId - from node id
- // @param fetchMoreNode - from dataMakeFetchMoreNode
- if(DBG)console.log('DBG dataMakeFetchMoreEdge(parentNodeId, fetchMoreNode)', {parentNodeId:parentNodeId, fetchMoreNode:fetchMoreNode})
- return {
- id: fetchMoreNode.id,
- from: parentNodeId,
- to: fetchMoreNode.id
- }
-function makeShortLabel(label) { // TODO: shorter name
- // BI_audit_ENERGA_RUM_KONTRAHENCI_POWIAZANIA_row_object.1234567
- if (label.length < 30) return label;
- var exLabel = label.split('.')
- if (exLabel.length !== 2) return label;
- return exLabel[0].substr(0, 24) + '...' + exLabel[0].substr(-10) + '.' + exLabel[1];
-function graphAddNodeLabel(graphNode) {
- // var graphNode = {
- // id: nodeId,
- // name: nodeId,
- // group: objectName,
- // _loaded: true,
- // typeName: params.typeName,
- // primaryKey: params.primaryKey // TODO: _primaryKey
- // }
- var label = graphNode.id // TODO: get from schema assert @label attribute
- label = makeShortLabel(graphNode.id)
- switch (graphNode.typeName) {
- case 'default_db__x3A__BI_audit_KRS:BI_audit_KRS': {
- // <xs:assert test="@default_db__x3A__BI_audit_KRS:label = concat(nazwa, ' ', krs, ' ', S_miejscowosc)" id="I_audit_KRS___d6e76977-1">
- if (graphNode.row) label = [graphNode.row.nazwa, graphNode.row.krs, graphNode.row.S_miejscowosc].filter(function (val) { return val; }).join(' ');
- label = (label) ? label : makeShortLabel(graphNode.id)
- label = label + ' (krs)'
- } break;
- case 'default_db__x3A__BI_audit_ENERGA_PRACOWNICY:BI_audit_ENERGA_PRACOWNICY': {
- // <xs:assert id="_PRACOWNICY___d6e76324-1" test="@label = concat(imiona, ' ', nazwisko, ' ', miejscowosc)"/>
- if (graphNode.row) label = [graphNode.row.imiona, graphNode.row.nazwisko, graphNode.row.miejscowosc].filter(function (val) { return val; }).join(' ');
- label = (label) ? label : makeShortLabel(graphNode.id)
- label = label + ' (pracownicy)'
- } break;
- case 'default_db__x3A__BI_audit_ENERGA_RUM_KONTRAHENCI:BI_audit_ENERGA_RUM_KONTRAHENCI': {
- // <xs:assert id="KONTRAHENCI___d6e76526-1" test="@label = concat(substr(Pelna_nazwa_kontrahenta, 0, 20, '\n umów na kwotę ', @sum))"/>
- if (graphNode.row) label = [graphNode.row.Pelna_nazwa_kontrahenta].filter(function (val) { return val; }).join(' ');
- label = (label) ? label : makeShortLabel(graphNode.id)
- label = label + ' (kontrahent)'
- } break;
- case 'default_db__x3A__BI_audit_CEIDG:BI_audit_CEIDG': {
- // <xs:assert test="@label = concat(nazwisko, substring(firma, 1, 20))"/>
- if (graphNode.row) label = [graphNode.row.nazwisko, graphNode.row.firma].filter(function (val) { return val; }).join(' ');
- label = (label) ? label : makeShortLabel(graphNode.id)
- label = label + ' (ceidg)'
- } break;
- case 'default_db__x3A__BI_audit_MSIG:BI_audit_MSIG': {
- // <xs:assert test="@label = substring(nazwa, 1, 20)"/>
- if (graphNode.row) label = [graphNode.row.nazwa].filter(function (val) { return val; }).join(' ');
- label = (label) ? label : makeShortLabel(graphNode.id)
- label = label + ' (msig)'
- } break;
- }
- return Object.assign(graphNode, {
- label: label,
- })
* Cleart list local storage by type
* Cleart list local storage by type
* typeNameLocalStorage - name (praconwicy/kontrahenci)
* typeNameLocalStorage - name (praconwicy/kontrahenci)
@@ -3239,7 +2648,6 @@ global.removeKontrahenciFromGroup= removeKontrahenciFromGroup;
global.showViewUploadFile = showViewUploadFile;
global.showViewUploadFile = showViewUploadFile;
global.parseCsvFile = parseCsvFile;
global.parseCsvFile = parseCsvFile;
-global.graphShowHide = graphShowHide;
global.clearListLocalStorageByType = clearListLocalStorageByType;
global.clearListLocalStorageByType = clearListLocalStorageByType;
// message
// message