= '' + (window.innerHeight - 2) + 'px';"; } } public static function endHtml() { Theme::footer(); if ('POST' === V::get('REQUEST_METHOD', '', $_SERVER) && 'LOGIN' === V::get('LOGIN', '', $_POST)) { echo "\n" . UI::h('script', [], "history.replaceState(null, '', window.location.href)"); } echo "\n"; } public static function menu() { if (!User::logged()) { self::printUserMessage(); return; } if (User::hasAccess('menu')) { Theme::top(); } else { UI::loadTemplate('menuLevel6'); } self::printUserMessage(); } static function printUserMessage() { $usrMsg = S::getUserMessage(); if (!$usrMsg) return; switch ($usrMsg[0]) { case 'AlertInfoException': UI::alertWithCloseBtn('info', $usrMsg[1]); return; case 'AlertSuccessException': UI::alertWithCloseBtn('success', $usrMsg[1]); return; case 'AlertWarningException': UI::alertWithCloseBtn('warning', $usrMsg[1]); return; case 'AlertDangerException': UI::alertWithCloseBtn('danger', $usrMsg[1]); return; case 'Exception': UI::alertWithCloseBtn('danger', $usrMsg[1]); return; default: UI::alertWithCloseBtn('danger', "Not implemented: " . $usrMsg[1]); return; } } public static function loadTemplate($tmplName, $data = array()) { if ('defaultPage' === $tmplName) { // TODO: replace UI::loadTemplate('defaultPage') => Theme::home($data) Theme::home($data); return; } if ('login' === $tmplName) { // TODO: replace UI::loadTemplate('login') => Theme::home($data) Theme::login($data); return; } if ('logout' === $tmplName) { // TODO: replace UI::loadTemplate('logout') => Theme::home($data) Theme::logout($data); return; } if (is_array($data) && !empty($data)) { extract($data); } include APP_PATH_LIB . "/tmpl/{$tmplName}.php"; } public static function hotKeyDBG($str) {} public static function showMessagesForTable($tblName) { if (empty($tblName)) return; Lib::loadClass('Router'); $msgsRoute = Router::getRoute('Msgs'); $msgs = $msgsRoute->getActiveMessagesForTable($tblName); if (!empty($msgs)) { self::loadTemplate('msgsForTable', array('msgs' => $msgs)); } } static function alert($alertType, $msg, $outputHtml = true) { if (!$outputHtml) { $type = ('danger' == $alertType) ? "ERROR" : strtoupper($alertType); echo "{$type}: {$msg}\n"; return; } UI::tag('div', ['class'=>"alert alert-{$alertType}"], $msg, "\n"); } static function alertWithCloseBtn($alertType, $msg, $outputHtml = true) { if (!$outputHtml) { $type = ('danger' == $alertType) ? "ERROR" : strtoupper($alertType); echo "{$type}: {$msg}\n"; return; } $closeBtn = ''; UI::tag('div', ['class'=>"alert alert-{$alertType}"], $closeBtn . "\n" . $msg, "\n"); } public static function setTitleJsTag($title) { self::setTitle($title); } public static function setTitle($title) { self::tag('script', null, "document.title = '{$title}';", "\n"); } public static function hTable($params) { ob_start(); UI::table($params); return ob_get_clean(); } /** * $params - Array * $params['caption'] (optional) -> ... * $params['cols'] (optional) -> cols, if not set read from first row * $params['rows'] -> rows, if not set - empty table * $params['rows'] -> rows, if not set - empty table * $params['disable_lp'] -> disable lp. col */ public static function table($params) { $cols = V::get('cols', array(), $params); $rows = V::get('rows', array(), $params); $cols_help = V::get('cols_help', array(), $params); $cols_label = V::get('cols_label', array(), $params); $caption = V::get('caption', '', $params); $cellPadding = V::get('cell_padding', 2, $params, 'int'); $showLp = (!V::get('disable_lp', false, $params)); $cssClassTable = V::get('@class', 'table table-bordered table-hover', $params); $countCols = 1; if (empty($cols) && !empty($rows)) { $firstRow = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $firstRow = $row; break; } $cols = array_filter( array_keys((array)$firstRow), function ($col) { return ('@' != substr($col, 0, 1)); } ); } $countCols = count($cols); $countCols = ($showLp) ? $countCols + 1 : $countCols; { $help = array(); foreach ($cols as $name) { $helpMsg = V::get($name, '', $cols_help); if (empty($helpMsg)) continue; $help[$name] = self::h('i', [ 'class' => "glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign", 'title' => $helpMsg ], ""); } } { $label = array(); foreach ($cols as $name) { $label[$name] = V::get($name, $name, $cols_label); } } // if (empty($cols)) return; $hiddenCols = V::get('hidden_cols', array(), $params); $tableAttrs = [ 'class' => $cssClassTable, 'style' => V::get('style', '', $params) ]; $html_id = V::get('__html_id', '', $params); if ($html_id) $tableAttrs['id'] = $html_id; self::startTag('table', $tableAttrs); echo "\n"; if ($caption) { self::tag('caption', null, $caption); echo "\n"; } if (!empty($cols)) { self::startTag('thead', null); echo "\n"; self::startTag('tr', null); echo "\n"; if ($showLp) { self::tag('th', [ 'style' => "padding:{$cellPadding}px" ], "Lp."); echo "\n"; } foreach ($cols as $colName) { if (in_array($colName, $hiddenCols)) continue; $attrs = [ 'style' => "padding:{$cellPadding}px" ]; if (!empty($params["@class[{$colName}]"])) $attrs['class'] = $params["@class[{$colName}]"]; if (!empty($params["@style[{$colName}]"])) $attrs['style'] .= "; " . $params["@style[{$colName}]"]; echo self::h('th', $attrs, [ $label[$colName], " " . V::get($colName, '', $help) ]); echo "\n"; } self::endTag('tr'); echo "\n"; self::endTag('thead'); echo "\n"; } $tbodyAttrs = []; if (array_key_exists('', $params)) $tbodyAttrs['id'] = $params['']; self::startTag('tbody', $tbodyAttrs); echo "\n"; if (empty($rows)) { self::startTag('tr'); echo "\n"; self::tag('td', [ 'style' => "padding:{$cellPadding}px", 'colspan' => $countCols ], V::get('empty_msg', "Brak danych", $params)); echo "\n"; self::endTag('tr'); echo "\n"; } else { $i = 0; foreach ($rows as $row) { $i++; $trAttrs = array(); if (!empty($row['@onClick'])) $trAttrs['onClick'] = $row['@onClick']; if (!empty($row['@class'])) $trAttrs['class'] = $row['@class']; if (!empty($row['@style'])) $trAttrs['style'] = $row['@style']; if (!empty($row['@data'])) foreach ($row['@data'] as $k => $v) $trAttrs["data-{$k}"] = $v; self::startTag('tr', $trAttrs); echo "\n"; if ($showLp) { self::tag('th', [ 'style' => "padding:2px; color:#ccc" ], $i); echo "\n"; } foreach ($cols as $colName) { $rowAttrs = [ 'style' => "padding:{$cellPadding}px" ]; if (!empty($row["@onClick[{$colName}]"])) $rowAttrs['onClick'] = $row["@onClick[{$colName}]"]; if (!empty($row["@class[{$colName}]"])) $rowAttrs['class'] = $row["@class[{$colName}]"]; if (!empty($row["@style[{$colName}]"])) $rowAttrs['style'] .= "; " . $row["@style[{$colName}]"]; if (in_array($colName, $hiddenCols)) continue; self::tag('td', $rowAttrs, V::get($colName, '', $row)); echo "\n"; } self::endTag('tr'); echo "\n"; } } self::endTag('tbody'); echo "\n"; self::endTag('table'); echo "\n"; } public static function startContainer($attrs = array()) {// echo '
' . "\n"; $attrs['class'] = (!empty($attrs['class'])) ? $attrs['class'] . ' ' . 'container' : 'container'; self::startTag('div', $attrs, "\n"); } public static function endContainer() { self::endTag('div', "\n"); } public static function startTag($tag, $attrs = array(), $addWhiteSpace = false) { $outAttrs = ''; if (is_array($attrs)) { foreach ($attrs as $attrName => $val) $outAttrs .= " {$attrName}=\"{$val}\""; } echo '<' . $tag . $outAttrs . '>' . self::whiteSpace($addWhiteSpace); } public static function whiteSpace($addWhiteSpace = false) { return (!$addWhiteSpace) ? '' : (true === $addWhiteSpace) ? " " : $addWhiteSpace; } public static function endTag($tag, $addWhiteSpace = false) { echo '' . self::whiteSpace($addWhiteSpace); } public static function tag($tag, $attrs = array(), $childrens = array(), $addWhiteSpace = false) { $whiteSpace = self::whiteSpace($addWhiteSpace); self::startTag($tag, $attrs); echo $whiteSpace; if (!empty($childrens) && is_array($childrens)) throw new Exception("UI::tag() children as nodes not implemented".json_encode($childrens)); if (is_scalar($childrens)) echo $childrens; echo $whiteSpace; self::endTag($tag); echo $whiteSpace; } public static function emptyTag($tag, $attrs = array(), $addWhiteSpace = false) { $outAttrs = ''; if (is_array($attrs)) { foreach ($attrs as $attrName => $val) $outAttrs .= " {$attrName}=\"{$val}\""; } echo '<' . $tag . $outAttrs . '/>' . self::whiteSpace($addWhiteSpace); } public static function link($type, $content, $href, $attrs = array()) { $attrs['class'] = V::get('class', '', $attrs); $attrs['class'] .= "btn btn-{$type}"; if (!empty($attrs['className'])) { foreach ($attrs['className'] as $cls => $bool) { if ($bool) $attrs['class'] .= " {$cls}"; } unset($attrs['className']); } $attrs['href'] = $href; UI::tag('a', $attrs, $content); } public static function jsAjaxTable($params) { } public static function price($value, $dec = ',') { // TODO: if not number type - string wwith wrong format - try to convert? return number_format($value, 2, $dec, ' '); } public static function inlineJS($jsFile, $jsonVars = []) { echo self::hScript($jsFile, $jsonVars); } public static function hScript($jsFile, $jsonVars = []) { if (!file_exists($jsFile)) throw new Exception("js file '" . basename($jsFile) . "' not exists!"); $ret = '' . "\n"; return $ret; } public static function inlineRawJS($jsFile) { if (!file_exists($jsFile)) throw new Exception("js file '" . basename($jsFile) . "' not exists!"); UI::startTag('script', [], "\n"); echo file_get_contents($jsFile); UI::endTag('script', "\n"); } public static function hStyle($cssFile) { $ret = '' . "\n"; return $ret; } public static function inlineCSS($cssFile) { UI::startTag('style', ['type'=>"text/css"], "\n"); echo file_get_contents($cssFile); UI::endTag('style', "\n"); } public static function inlineRawCSS($cssContent) { echo UI::h('style', [ 'type' => "text/css" ], $cssContent) . "\n"; } public static function includeView($viewPath, $data = array()) { if (!file_exists($viewPath)) throw new Exception("view file '" . basename($viewPath) . "' not exists!"); if (false === strpos($viewPath, APP_PATH_ROOT)) throw new Exception("Access Denied to include view '" . basename($viewPath) . "'!"); if (is_array($data) && !empty($data)) { extract($data); } include $viewPath; } public static function postButton($label, $params = []) { UI::startTag('form', [ 'action' => V::get('action', '', $params), 'method' => V::get('method', 'post', $params), 'style' => "display:inline" ]); foreach (V::get('data', [], $params, 'array') as $name => $value) { UI::emptyTag('input', ['type'=>'hidden', 'name'=>$name, 'value'=>$value]); } UI::tag('button', ['type'=>'submit', 'class' => 'btn ' . V::get('class', 'btn-default btn-xs', $params)], $label); UI::endTag('form'); } public static function hButtonPost($label, $params = [], $childrens = []) { if (!empty($params['data'])) foreach ($params['data'] as $k => $v) $childrens[] = self::h('input', ['type'=>'hidden', 'name'=>$k, 'value'=>$v]); if (!empty($params['fields'])) { foreach ($params['fields'] as $fieldParams) { $childrens[] = self::h('input', $fieldParams); } } $childrens[] = self::h('button', array_merge( [ 'type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn ' . V::get('class', 'btn-default', $params), 'style' => V::get('style', '', $params) ], (!empty($params['title'])) ? ['title' => $params['title']] : [] ), $label); return self::h('form', [ 'action' => V::get('action', '', $params), 'method' => V::get('method', 'post', $params), 'style' => V::get('', 'display:inline', $params), 'class' => "form-inline " . V::get('form.class', '', $params), ], $childrens); } public static function hSimplePostTaskButton($label, $postTaskName, $params = [], $childrens = []) { $childrens[] = self::h('input', [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => '_postTask', 'value' => $postTaskName ]); if (!empty($params['data'])) foreach ($params['data'] as $k => $v) $childrens[] = self::h('input', ['type'=>'hidden', 'name'=>$k, 'value'=>$v]); if (!empty($params['fields'])) { foreach ($params['fields'] as $fieldParams) { $childrens[] = self::h('input', $fieldParams); } } $childrens[] = self::h('button', array_merge( [ 'type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn ' . V::get('class', 'btn-default', $params), 'style' => V::get('style', '', $params) ], (!empty($params['title'])) ? ['title' => $params['title']] : [] ), $label); return self::h('form', [ 'action' => V::get('action', '', $params), 'method' => V::get('method', 'post', $params), 'style' => V::get('', 'display:inline', $params), 'class' => "form-inline" ], $childrens); } public static function hButtonAjax($label, $jsEventPrefix, $params = []) { if (!empty($params['data'])) foreach ($params['data'] as $k => $v) $childrens[] = self::h('input', ['type'=>'hidden', 'name'=>$k, 'value'=>$v]); $query = V::get('data', '', $params); return self::h('a', [ 'class' => V::get('class', 'btn btn-default', $params), 'style' => V::get('style', '', $params), 'href' => V::get('href', '', $params), 'onClick' => "return p5UI__hButtonAjax(this, 'p5UIBtnAjax:{$jsEventPrefix}', '', '" . http_build_query($query) . "')", ], $label); } public static function hButtonAjaxOnResponse($jsEventPrefix, $jsCode) { echo self::h('script', [], " jQuery(document).on('p5UIBtnAjax:{$jsEventPrefix}:response', function(e, n, payload) { {$jsCode} }) "); } public static function hButtonAjaxJsFunction() { echo UI::h('script', [], " function p5UI__hButtonAjax(n, eventNamespace, url, query) { var dbg = " . ( DBG::isActive() ? 1 : 0 ) . "; var jqNode = jQuery(n); var state = { href: url || n.href, data: query || '' } jQuery(document).trigger('p5UIBtnAjax:' + eventNamespace + ':click', [n, state]) if (jqNode.hasClass('disabled')) { // bootstrap already prevent this action if (dbg) console.log('WARNING: btn disabled - waiting for response - Cancel?') return false } jqNode.addClass('disabled btn-loading') window.fetch(state.href, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' // query string }, credentials: 'same-origin', body: // new URLSearchParams( }).then(function(response) { return response.json() }).then(function(payload) { jqNode.removeClass('disabled btn-loading'); jQuery(document).trigger(eventNamespace + ':response', [n, payload]); }).catch(function(e) { jQuery(document).trigger(eventNamespace + ':response', [n, 'error' + e]); jqNode.removeClass('disabled btn-loading'); p5UI__notifyAjaxCallback({ type: 'error', msg: 'Request error ' + e }); console.log('loadDataAjax:fetch: ERR:', e); }) return false; } "); } public static function h($tagName, $params = [], $childrens = []) { if (null === $tagName && empty($params)) return self::hChildrens($childrens); $emptyTags = []; $emptyTags[] = 'hr'; $emptyTags[] = 'br'; $emptyTags[] = 'input'; $emptyTags[] = 'link'; $emptyTags[] = 'area'; $emptyTags[] = 'base'; $emptyTags[] = 'col'; $emptyTags[] = 'embed'; $emptyTags[] = 'img'; $emptyTags[] = 'keygen'; $emptyTags[] = 'meta'; $emptyTags[] = 'param'; $emptyTags[] = 'source'; $emptyTags[] = 'track'; $emptyTags[] = 'wbr'; if (in_array($tagName, $emptyTags)) return '<' . $tagName . (empty($params) ? '' : ' ' . self::hAttributes($params)) . '/>'; if ('p5:' === substr($tagName, 0, 3)) return self::hCustomTag($tagName, $params, $childrens); return '<' . $tagName . (empty($params) ? '' : ' ' . self::hAttributes($params)) . '>' . self::hChildrens($childrens) . ''; } public static function hCustomTag($tagName, $params = [], $childrens = []) { if ('p5:' === substr($tagName, 0, 3)) { $tagClass = "UI_" . substr($tagName, 3); if (!class_exists($tagClass)) Lib::tryLoadClass($tagClass); if (!class_exists($tagClass)) throw new Exception("Not implemented custom tag '{$tagName}'"); return $tagClass::h($tagName, $params, $childrens); } throw new Exception("Not implemented custom tag prefix '{$tagName}'"); } public static function hAttributes($params = []) { $attr = []; if (null === $params) return ''; if (!is_array($params)) { try { throw new Exception("Wrong params type in UI::hAttributes"); } catch (Exception $e) { DBG::log($e); } } foreach ($params as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { $attr[] = "{$k}=\"" . implode(" ", $v) . "\""; } else if (true === $v) { // eg. open => true : 'open' $attr[] = $k; } else if (false === $v) { // skip if false value } else if (!empty($v)) { $attr[] = "{$k}=\"{$v}\""; } } return implode(" ", $attr); } public static function hChildrens($childrens = []) { if (empty($childrens)) { if (is_int($childrens)) return "{$childrens}"; if (is_string($childrens)) return $childrens; return ''; } if (is_scalar($childrens)) return "{$childrens}"; if (!is_array($childrens)) throw new Exception("Unsupported children type"); return array_reduce( $childrens, function ($curry, $child) { return "{$curry}{$child}"; }, "" ); } /** * @param $taskPerm - 'C', 'W' */ public static function hGetFormItem($acl, $fieldName, $taskPerm, $fieldID, $fName, $fValue, $params = array(), $record = null) { $fValue = (string)$fValue; Lib::loadClass('Typespecial'); DBG::log(['$fieldName'=>$fieldName, '$taskPerm'=>$taskPerm, '$fieldID'=>$fieldID, '$fName'=>$fName, '$fValue'=>$fValue, '$params'=>$params, '$record'=>$record], 'array', "hGetFormItem()"); if (!$acl->isAllowed($fieldID, $taskPerm, $record)) { switch ($taskPerm) { case 'R': return "Brak uprawnień do odczytu"; case 'W': return "Brak uprawnień do zapisu"; case 'C': return "Brak uprawnień"; default: return "Brak uprawnień do tego pola ({$taskPerm})"; } } if ($fieldName == 'ID') return ''; // TODO: hide primaryKey? // $colType = $acl->getFieldTypeById($fieldID); // if (!$colType) return "Error - unknown type"; $xsdType = $acl->getXsdFieldType($fieldName); DBG::log("DBG: field({$fieldName}) xsdType({$xsdType})"); $html = new stdClass(); $html->_params = array(); $html->tag = 'input'; $html->childrens = []; $html->attrs = array(); $html->attrs['id'] = $fName; $html->attrs['name'] = $fName; $html->attrs['type'] = 'text'; $html->attrs['value'] = $fValue;// BUG htmlspecialchars($fValue); - convert chars in edit form (" to " and & to &) if (isset($params['tabindex'])) $html->attrs['tabindex'] = $params['tabindex']; // if (!$acl->hasFieldPerm($fieldID, $taskPerm)) { // $html->attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled'; // } $maxGrid = V::get('maxGrid', 10, $params); switch ($xsdType) { case 'xsd:long': case 'xsd:int': case 'xsd:integer': { $html->attrs['type'] = 'number'; $html->attrs['class'][] = 'input-small'; } break; case 'xsd:decimal': case 'xsd:double': case 'xsd:float': case 'p5:price': { $html->attrs['type'] = 'text'; $html->attrs['class'][] = 'input-small'; } break; case 'xsd:string': case 'p5:www_link': case 'p5:string': { $html->attrs['type'] = 'text'; $maxLength = (int)$acl->getXsdFieldParam($fieldName, 'maxLength'); if ($maxLength > 0) { $html->attrs['maxlength'] = $maxLength; } $valLength = strlen($fValue); if (isset($params['widthClass'])) { if ($params['widthClass'] == 'inside-modal') { $html->attrs['style'] = 'width:98%;'; } else { $html->attrs['style'] = 'width:98%;'; } } if ($maxLength > 255) {// Fix for long varchar - use textarea $html->tag = 'textarea'; $html->childrens[] = $fValue; $html->attrs['rows'] = '3'; unset($html->attrs['type']); unset($html->attrs['value']); } } break; case 'xsd:dateTime': case 'xsd:date': { $testDatePicker = true; if ($testDatePicker) { $html->attrs['type'] = 'text'; $html->_params[] = 'date'; if ('xsd:dateTime' === $xsdType) { $html->attrs['class'][] = 'se_type-datetime'; // datetimepicker'; $html->attrs['data-format'] = 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm'; $html->attrs['maxlength'] = 19; } else { $html->attrs['class'][] = 'se_type-date'; // datetimepicker'; $html->attrs['maxlength'] = 10; } if (substr($html->attrs['value'], 0, 10) == '0000-00-00') { $html->attrs['value'] = ''; } } else { $html->attrs['type'] = 'date'; } } break; case 'xsd:time': { $testDatePicker = true; if ($testDatePicker) { $html->attrs['type'] = 'text'; $html->_params[] = 'time'; $html->attrs['class'][] = 'se_type-time';// datetimepicker'; $html->attrs['data-format'] = 'hh:mm:ss'; $html->attrs['maxlength'] = 8; if (substr($html->attrs['value'], 0, 8) == '00:00:00') { $html->attrs['value'] = ''; } } else { $html->attrs['type'] = 'time'; } } break; // case 'timestamp': { // TODO: timestamp is xsd:integer or xsd:dateTime? // $testDatePicker = true; // if ($testDatePicker) { // $html->attrs['type'] = 'text'; // $html->_params[] = 'date'; // $html->attrs['class'][] = 'se_type-datetime';// datetimepicker'; // $html->attrs['data-format'] = 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm'; // $html->attrs['maxlength'] = 19; // if (substr($html->attrs['value'], 0, 10) == '0000-00-00') { // $html->attrs['value'] = ''; // } // } else { // $html->attrs['type'] = 'date'; // } // } break; case 'p5:enum': { DBG::log($acl->getField($fieldID), 'array', "\$field($fieldName)"); unset($html->attrs['type']); unset($html->attrs['value']); $html->tag = 'select'; $defaultValue = $acl->getFieldDefaultValue($fieldName); $values = $acl->getEnumerations($fieldName); // $values = explode(',', str_replace(array('(',')',"'",'"'), '', substr($colType['type'], 5))); $selValue = $fValue; if (empty($selValue) && $selValue !== '0' && !empty($defaultValue)) { if ($taskPerm == 'C') { $selValue = $defaultValue; } else if ($taskPerm == 'W' && $acl->isAllowed($fieldID, 'R', $record)) { $selValue = $defaultValue; } } $html->childrens[] = [ 'option', [ 'value' => "" ], "" ]; if (!empty($selValue) && !array_key_exists($selValue, $values)) { $html->childrens[] = [ 'option', [ 'value' => $selValue, 'selected' => "selected" ], $selValue ]; } foreach ($values as $val => $label) { $html->childrens[] = [ 'option', array_merge( [ 'value' => $val ], ((!empty($selValue) || '0' === $selValue) && (string)$selValue === (string)$val) ? [ 'selected' => "selected" ] : [] ), $label ]; } } break; case 'p5:text': { $html->tag = 'textarea'; $html->childrens[] = $fValue; if (isset($params['widthClass'])) { if ($params['widthClass'] == 'inside-modal') { $html->attrs['style'] = 'width:98%;'; } else { $html->attrs['style'] = 'width:98%;'; } } else { //$html->attrs['class'][] = (8 <= $maxGrid)? 'span8' : "span{$maxGrid}"; } $html->attrs['rows'] = '3'; unset($html->attrs['type']); unset($html->attrs['value']); } break; case 'gml:GeometryPropertyType': case 'gml:LineStringPropertyType': case 'gml:PointPropertyType': case 'gml:PolygonPropertyType': { return '...'; } break; case 'xsd:base64Binary': { return '...'; } break; default: { if ('ref:' === substr($xsdType, 0, 4)) { return "Funkcja w trakcie przygotowanie (ref do '" . substr($xsdType, 4) . "')"; } return "unknown Type \"{$xsdType}\""; } } $html->attrs['class'][] = 'form-control'; if (!empty($html->attrs['class'])) $html->attrs['class'] = implode(" ", $html->attrs['class']); $nodeHtml = (in_array($html->tag, array('select', 'textarea'))) ? [ $html->tag, $html->attrs, $html->childrens ] : $nodeHtml = [ $html->tag, $html->attrs ] ; if (in_array('date', $html->_params)) { $nodeHtml = [ 'div', [ 'class' => "input-group" ], [ $nodeHtml, [ 'span', [ 'class' => "input-group-addon" ], [ [ 'span', [ 'class' => "glyphicon glyphicon-calendar" ] ] ] ] ] ]; } else if (in_array('time', $html->_params)) { $nodeHtml = [ 'div', [ 'class' => "input-group" ], [ $nodeHtml, [ 'span', [ 'class' => "input-group-addon" ], [ [ 'span', [ 'class' => "glyphicon glyphicon-time" ] ] ] ] ] ]; } if (true == V::get('appendBack', '', $params) && !in_array('date', $html->_params) && !in_array('time', $html->_params) ) { if ($html->tag == 'input' && $taskPerm == 'W') { $nodeHtml = [ 'div', [ 'class' => "input-group show-last-value" ], [ $nodeHtml, [ 'span', [ 'class' => "input-group-addon button-appendBack", 'title' => htmlspecialchars($fValue) ], [ [ 'span', [ 'class' => "glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-left" ] ] ] ] ] ]; } } $typeSpecial = Typespecial::getInstance($fieldID, $fieldName); if ($typeSpecial) { $tsParams = array(); $tsValue = V::get('typespecialValue', '', $params); if (!empty($tsValue)) { $tsParams['typespecialValue'] = $tsValue; } $nodeHtml = [ 'div', [ 'class' => "field-with-typespecial" ], [ $nodeHtml, $typeSpecial->hGetFormItem($acl, $fieldName, $acl->_zasobID, $fName, $fValue, $tsParams, $record), ] ]; } return $nodeHtml; } public static function convertHtmlToArray($html) { $nodes = []; // ustal stanowisko // [ 'a', [ 'href' => "index.php?_route=Users&_task=userGroups&usrLogin=michal.podejko" ], "ustal stanowisko" ] $DBG = 0; $pos = 0; // TODO: while (true) if ('<' === substr($html, $pos, 1)) { // parse tag $tagName = ''; $attrs = []; $content = []; $endTagOpen = strpos($html, '>', $pos + 1); $endTagName = min(strpos($html, ' ', $pos + 1), $endTagOpen); // '' or '' if (false === $pos) throw new Exception("Error Processing Html - missing tagName"); $tagName = substr($html, $pos + 1, $endTagName - $pos - 1); if($DBG){echo "\ntagName: '{$tagName}'";} if ('>' === substr($html, $endTagName, 1)) { } else if (' ' === substr($html, $endTagName, 1)) { if (false === $endTagOpen) throw new Exception("Error Processing Html - missing open tag end char"); $attrs = UI::convertHtmlAttrsToArray(trim(substr($html, $endTagName + 1, $endTagOpen - $endTagName - 1))); } else { throw new Exception("Error Processing Html - unexpected end tag name char '" . substr($html, $endTagName, 1) . "'"); } if($DBG){echo "\nattrs: '" . json_encode($attrs), "'";} // TODO: empty tags '
', '
', '
', '', '', img, hr, etc. // TODO: nested same tags ' ... ... ... ' $closeTagStart = strpos($html, "", $endTagOpen + 1); if (false === $closeTagStart) throw new Exception("Error Processing Html - missing close tagName"); if($DBG){echo "\nDBG \$endTagOpen: " . substr($html, $endTagOpen, 5) . "...";} if($DBG){echo "\nDBG \$endTagOpen: " . substr($html, $endTagOpen) . ".EOL";} if($DBG){echo "\nDBG \$closeTagStart strpos(\$html, '', {$endTagOpen} + 1) = '{$closeTagStart}': " . substr($html, $closeTagStart, 5) . "...";} $content = substr($html, $endTagOpen + 1, $closeTagStart - $endTagOpen - 1); $tag = [ $tagName, $attrs, $content ]; if($DBG){echo "\n\$tag: ";print_r($tag);} $nodes = $tag; } return $nodes; } public static function convertHtmlAttrsToArray($strAttrs) { $attrs = []; if (!preg_match_all('((\w+)=\"([^"]*)\")', $strAttrs, $matches)) { // echo "DBG:: empty attrs or wrong syntax"; return []; } $total = (count($matches) - 1) / 2; // echo "\n\$matches (total = {$total}) = ";print_r($matches); for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { $idx = $i * 2 + 1; // echo "\n\$attrs[ '{$matches[$idx][0]}' ] = '{$matches[$idx+1][0]}';"; $attrs[ $matches[ $idx ][0] ] = $matches[ $idx + 1 ][0]; } return $attrs; } /** * Execute callback in try/catch block and view output as page layout (content inside html > body) * @param array $params * @param bool $params['showMenu'] * @param bool $params['showContainer'] * @param string $params['containerClass'] : [ 'fluid' ], default '' */ public static function layout($callback, $params = []) { $params['showMenu'] = V::get('showMenu', true, $params, 'bool'); $params['showContainer'] = V::get('showContainer', true, $params, 'bool'); $params['containerClass'] = V::get('containerClass', '', $params); $args = V::get('args', [], $params, 'array'); UI::gora(); // Theme::head(); if ($params['showMenu']) UI::menu(); // TODO: Theme::top() if ($params['showContainer']) UI::startContainer( $params['containerClass'] ? [ 'class' => $params['containerClass'] ] : [] ); try { // call_user_func($callback); $callback($args); } catch (AlertSuccessException $e) { DBG::log($e); UI::alert('success', $e->getMessage()); } catch (AlertWarningException $e) { DBG::log($e); UI::alert('warning', $e->getMessage()); } catch (AlertInfoException $e) { DBG::log($e); UI::alert('info', $e->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $e) { DBG::log($e); UI::alert('danger', $e->getMessage()); } if ($params['showContainer']) UI::endContainer(); UI::dol(); // UI::dol must include Theme::footer(); } /** * Execute callback inside try/catch block. * @param array $params * @param bool $params['showContainer'] * @param string $params['containerClass'] : [ 'fluid' ], default '' */ static function tryCatchView($callback, $params = []) { $params['showContainer'] = V::get('showContainer', false, $params, 'bool'); $params['containerClass'] = V::get('containerClass', '', $params); $args = V::get('args', [], $params, 'array'); if ($params['showContainer']) UI::startContainer( $params['containerClass'] ? [ 'class' => $params['containerClass'] ] : [] ); try { // call_user_func($callback); $callback($args); } catch (AlertSuccessException $e) { DBG::log($e); UI::alert('success', $e->getMessage()); } catch (AlertWarningException $e) { DBG::log($e); UI::alert('warning', $e->getMessage()); } catch (AlertInfoException $e) { DBG::log($e); UI::alert('info', $e->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $e) { DBG::log($e); UI::alert('danger', $e->getMessage()); } if ($params['showContainer']) UI::endContainer(); } public static function startDetails($opts, $summaryChildrens) { $attrs = array_reduce(array_keys($opts), function ($ret, $optionKey) use ($opts) { $option = $opts[$optionKey]; if (false !== strpos($optionKey, '.')) { list($mainKey, $attrName) = explode('.', $optionKey, 2); $ret[$mainKey][$attrName] = $option; } else { $ret['details'][$optionKey] = $option; } return $ret; }, [ 'details' => [], 'summary' => [], 'content' => [], ]); return '' . '' . self::hChildrens($summaryChildrens) . '' . "\n" . '' . "\n"; } public static function endDetails() { return '
'; } }