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updated Install for gitmodules

Piotr Labudda 7 năm trước cách đây
mục cha
1 tập tin đã thay đổi với 221 bổ sung105 xóa
  1. 221 105

+ 221 - 105

@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ class Route_Install extends RouteBase {
+		UI::setTitleJsTag("Install");
@@ -113,76 +114,140 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function () {
+		UI::setTitleJsTag("Install");
 		//$this->menu($args['licence_id']);// TODO: GO BACK BTN
 		try {
 			$appLicenceInfo = $this->getAppLicenceInfo($args['licence_id']);
+			$this->validateAppLicenceInfo($appLicenceInfo);
 		} catch (Exception $e) {
-		//$this->generateApp($args['licence_id']);
+		// $this->generateApp($appLicenceInfo->installPath, $appLicenceInfo->domains);
 		//DBG::_(true, true, "appLicenceInfo", $appLicenceInfo, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-<div class="jumbotron">
-  <div class="container">
-		<h3>Generowanie aplikacji dla licencji <?php echo $appLicenceInfo->ID; ?></h3>
-		<p>Licencja dla domen: <?php echo implode(', ', $appLicenceInfo->domains); ?></p>
-		<p>Katalog z zakodowanymi plikami: <?php echo $appLicenceInfo->installFolderName; ?></p>
-		<form class="form-inline" method="POST">
-			<input type="hidden" name="_task" value="createApp" />
-			<input type="hidden" name="licence_id" value="<?php echo $appLicenceInfo->ID; ?>" />
-			<input type="hidden" name="_generateEncryptedSource" value="1" />
-			<button type="submit" id="fldSbmtBtn" class="btn btn-primary" autocomplete="off">
-				Generuj
-			</button>
-		</form>
-		<?php if ($appLicenceInfo->installFolderGitExists) : ?>
-			<br>
-			<div class="alert alert-info">
-				Katalog istnieje i zawiera już repozytorium git:
-				<br> - <a href="index.php?_route=Install&_task=gitResetHard&licence_id=<?php echo $appLicenceInfo->ID; ?>"
-					 target="_blank"
-					 class="btn btn-xs btn-default">aktualizuj werjsę</a> (git reset --hard, git pull, set SE/VERSION - tak samo co 'rm -rf; git clone', ale szybciej)
-				<br> - <a href="index.php?_route=Install&_task=encodeSource&licence_id=<?php echo $appLicenceInfo->ID; ?>"
-					 target="_blank"
-					 class="btn btn-xs btn-default">encode files</a>
-				<br> - <a href="index.php?_route=Install&_task=sendToRemoteTestDir&licence_id=<?php echo $appLicenceInfo->ID; ?>"
-					 target="_blank"
-					 class="btn btn-xs btn-default">send encoded files to remote server test folder (generates ssh key if not set)</a>
-				<p style="margin-top:30px">
-Test online: <a target="_blank" href="https://<?php echo $appLicenceInfo->mainServer; ?>/se.encrypted.upgrade/">https://<?php echo $appLicenceInfo->mainServer; ?>/se.encrypted.upgrade/</a>
-				</p>
-				<br> - <a href="index.php?_route=Install&_task=upgradeRemoteFromTestDir&licence_id=<?php echo $appLicenceInfo->ID; ?>"
-									onclick="return confirm('Uruchomić aktualizację SE na https://<?php echo $appLicenceInfo->mainServer; ?>/SE/?')"
-									target="_blank"
-									class="btn btn-xs btn-warning">UPGRADE Production folder from uploaded dir: ~/se.encrypted.upgrade/</a>
-			</div>
-		<?php endif; ?>
-	</div>
-<script type="text/javascript">
-jQuery(document).ready(function () {
-  jQuery('#fldSbmtBtn').on('click', function () {
-    jQuery(this).text(jQuery(this).text() + '...').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-		jQuery(this).parent().submit();
-  })
-		$generateEncryptedSource = (1 == V::get('_generateEncryptedSource', 0, $_REQUEST, 'int'));
-		if ($generateEncryptedSource) {
+		if ('_generateEncryptedSource' === V::get('_postTask', '', $_POST)) {
 			echo '<div class="container">';
 			echo '<h4>' . "Generowanie..." . '</h4>';
 			echo '<div style="border:1px solid silver; max-height:400px; overflow-y:scroll">';
 			try {
-				$this->generateApp($appLicenceInfo);
+				$this->validateAppLicenceInfo($appLicenceInfo);
+				$this->generateApp($appLicenceInfo->installPath, $appLicenceInfo->domains);
 			} catch (Exception $e) {
 				echo '</div></div>';// .container/ scroll
 			echo '</div>';// .container
 			UI::alert('success', "<strong>Gotowe</strong> Aplikacja znajduje się w katalogu {$appLicenceInfo->installFolderName}");
+			$appLicenceInfo = $this->getAppLicenceInfo($args['licence_id']);
+		if ('newGenerateApp' === V::get('_postTask', '', $_POST)) {
+			$this->newGenerateApp($appLicenceInfo);
+		}
+		if ('updateAndSendToRemoteTestDir' === V::get('_postTask', '', $_POST)) {
+			echo '<details><summary style="cursor:pointer">aktualizuj werjsę, szyfruj i wyślij do testowego katalogu na serwerze</summary>';
+			try {
+				$idLicence = V::get('licence_id', 0, $_POST, 'int');
+				$appLicenceInfo = $this->getAppLicenceInfo($idLicence);
+				$this->validateAppLicenceInfo($appLicenceInfo);
+				$projects = [ 'bravecare' ]; // TODO: fetch from $appLicenceInfo->projects = [ ... ]
+				$this->gitResetHard($appLicenceInfo->installPath, $projects);
+				flush();
+				$this->_encodeSource($appLicenceInfo->installPath, $appLicenceInfo->domains);
+				flush();
+				$this->_sendToRemoteTestDir($appLicenceInfo);
+			} catch (Exception $e) {
+				DBG::log($e);
+				UI::alert('danger', $e->getMessage());
+			}
+			echo '</details>';
+			$testDirUrl = "https://{$appLicenceInfo->mainServer}/se.encrypted.upgrade/";
+			UI::alert('info', UI::h('p', [], [
+				"testowy katalog zaktualizowany - ",
+				UI::h('a', [ 'href' => $testDirUrl, 'target' => "_blank" ], $testDirUrl),
+			]));
+			flush();
+		}
+		// echo UI::hButtonPost("TODO: Generuj z p5.git", [
+		// 	'class' => "btn btn-md btn-primary",
+		// 	'data' => [
+		// 		'_postTask' => "newGenerateApp",
+		// 		'licence_id' => $appLicenceInfo->ID,
+		// 	],
+		// ]);
+		echo UI::h('div', [ 'class' => "jumbotron" ], [
+			UI::h('div', [ 'class' => "container" ], [
+				UI::h('h3', [], "Generowanie aplikacji dla licencji {$appLicenceInfo->ID}"),
+				UI::h('p', [], "Licencja dla domen: " . implode(', ', $appLicenceInfo->domains)),
+				UI::h('p', [], "Katalog z zakodowanymi plikami: {$appLicenceInfo->installFolderName}"),
+				UI::hButtonPost("Generuj", [
+					'class' => "btn btn-primary",
+					'data' => [
+						'_postTask' => '_generateEncryptedSource',
+						'licence_id' => $appLicenceInfo->ID,
+					]
+				]),
+				(!$appLicenceInfo->installFolderGitExists)
+				? UI::h('div', [ 'class' => "alert alert-info" ], "Katalog nie istnieje - wygeneruj aplikację")
+				: UI::h('div', [ 'class' => "alert alert-info", 'style' => "margin-top:10px" ], [
+					UI::h('p', [], "Katalog istnieje i zawiera już repozytorium git: "),
+					UI::h('p', [], [
+						UI::hButtonPost("aktualizuj werjsę, szyfruj i wyślij do testowego katalogu na serwerze", [
+							'class' => "btn btn-xs btn-primary",
+							'data' => [
+								'_postTask' => "updateAndSendToRemoteTestDir",
+								'licence_id' => $appLicenceInfo->ID,
+							],
+						]),
+					]),
+					UI::h('p', [ 'style' => "margin-left:20px" ], [
+						UI::h('a', [
+							'href' => "index.php?_route=Install&_task=gitResetHard&licence_id={$appLicenceInfo->ID}",
+							'target' => "_blank",
+							'class' => "btn btn-xs btn-default"
+						], "aktualizuj werjsę</a> (git reset --hard, git pull, set SE/VERSION - tak samo co 'rm -rf; git clone', ale szybciej)"),
+					]),
+					UI::h('p', [ 'style' => "margin-left:20px" ], [
+						UI::h('a', [
+							'href' => "index.php?_route=Install&_task=encodeSource&licence_id={$appLicenceInfo->ID}",
+							'target' => "_blank",
+							'class' => "btn btn-xs btn-default"
+						], "encode files"),
+					]),
+					UI::h('p', [ 'style' => "margin-left:20px" ], [
+						UI::h('a', [
+							'href' => "index.php?_route=Install&_task=sendToRemoteTestDir&licence_id={$appLicenceInfo->ID}",
+							'target' => "_blank",
+							'class' => "btn btn-xs btn-default"
+						], "send encoded files to remote server test folder (generates ssh key if not set)"),
+					]),
+					UI::h('p', [ 'style' => "margin-top:30px" ], [
+						"Test online: ",
+						UI::h('a', [
+							'target' => "_blank",
+							'href' => "https://{$appLicenceInfo->mainServer}/se.encrypted.upgrade/"
+						], "https://{$appLicenceInfo->mainServer}/se.encrypted.upgrade/"),
+					]),
+					"<br> - ",
+					UI::h('a', [
+						'href' => "index.php?_route=Install&_task=upgradeRemoteFromTestDir&licence_id={$appLicenceInfo->ID}",
+						'onclick' => "return confirm('Uruchomić aktualizację SE na https://{$appLicenceInfo->mainServer}/SE/?')",
+						'target' => "_blank",
+						'class' => "btn btn-xs btn-warning"
+					], "UPGRADE Production folder from uploaded dir: ~/se.encrypted.upgrade/"),
+				]),
+			]),
+		]);
+<script type="text/javascript">
+jQuery(document).ready(function () {
+  jQuery('#fldSbmtBtn').on('click', function () {
+    jQuery(this).text(jQuery(this).text() + '...').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+		jQuery(this).parent().submit();
+  })
@@ -195,11 +260,11 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function () {
 		//$this->menu($args['licence_id']);// TODO: GO BACK BTN
 		try {
 			$appLicenceInfo = $this->getAppLicenceInfo($args['licence_id']);
-			if (empty($appLicenceInfo->ID)) throw new Exception("Nie wybrano serwera/licencji.");
-			if (empty($appLicenceInfo->domains)) throw new Exception("Domains not found");
-			if (empty($appLicenceInfo->installPath)) throw new Exception("Install path not found");
+			$this->validateAppLicenceInfo($appLicenceInfo);
-			$this->gitResetHard($appLicenceInfo->installPath);
+			$projects = [ 'bravecare' ]; // TODO: fetch from $appLicenceInfo->projects = [ ... ]
+			$this->gitResetHard($appLicenceInfo->installPath, $projects);
 		} catch (Exception $e) {
@@ -207,7 +272,7 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function () {
-	public function gitResetHard($installPath) {
+	public function gitResetHard($installPath, $projects = []) {
 		if (empty($installPath)) throw new Exception("Install path not found");
 		$cmds = array();
 		$cmds[] = "git reset --hard";
@@ -220,6 +285,20 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function () {
 			if (0 !== $ret) $hasError = true;
 			DBG::nicePrint($out, "cmd: `{$cmd}` (return:{$ret})");
+		foreach ($projects as $projectName) {
+			$cmd = "ls -l SE/projects/{$projectName} | wc -l";
+			V::exec("cd {$installPath} && {$cmd}", $out, $ret);
+			DBG::nicePrint([ 'cmd' => $cmd, 'output' => $out ], "return: {$ret}");
+			if (!empty($out) && '0' !== trim($out[0])) {
+				// $cmd = "git submodule update SE/projects/{$projectName}";
+				$cmd = "cd SE/projects/{$projectName} && git reset --hard"; // revert encode source - checkout to last commit (need update)
+				V::exec("cd {$installPath} && {$cmd}", $out, $ret);
+				DBG::nicePrint([ 'cmd' => $cmd, 'output' => $out ], "return: {$ret}");
+			}
+			$cmd = "git submodule update --init SE/projects/{$projectName}"; // checkout to current commit
+			V::exec("cd {$installPath} && {$cmd}", $out, $ret);
+			DBG::nicePrint([ 'cmd' => $cmd, 'output' => $out ], "return: {$ret}");
+		}
 		if (!$hasError) {
 			UI::alert('success', "OK");
 		} else {
@@ -236,19 +315,17 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function () {
 		//$this->menu($args['licence_id']);// TODO: GO BACK BTN
 		try {
 			$appLicenceInfo = $this->getAppLicenceInfo($args['licence_id']);
-			$this->_encodeSource($appLicenceInfo);
+			$this->validateAppLicenceInfo($appLicenceInfo);
+			$this->_encodeSource($appLicenceInfo->installPath, $appLicenceInfo->domains);
 		} catch (Exception $e) {
-	public function _encodeSource($appLicenceInfo) {
-		if (empty($appLicenceInfo->ID)) throw new Exception("Nie wybrano serwera/licencji.");
-		if (empty($appLicenceInfo->domains)) throw new Exception("Domains not found");
-		if (empty($appLicenceInfo->installPath)) throw new Exception("Install path not found");
+	public function _encodeSource($installPath, $domains) {
-		$this->encodeSourceFiles($appLicenceInfo->installPath, $appLicenceInfo->domains, $dbg = true);
+		$this->encodeSourceFiles($installPath, $domains, $dbg = true);
 		// try {
 		// 	$this->encodeSourceFiles($appLicenceInfo->installPath, $appLicenceInfo->domains, $dbg = false);
 		// 	UI::alert('success', "OK");
@@ -363,47 +440,62 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function () {
 		$appLicenceInfo->installFolderName = "{$idLicence}_upgrade_SE_source_encrypted";
 		$appLicenceInfo->installPath = "{$installRootPath}/{$appLicenceInfo->installFolderName}";
 		//DBG::_(true, true, 'appLicenceInfo', $appLicenceInfo, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-		if (empty($appLicenceInfo->domains)) throw new Exception("Domains not found.");
+		if (empty($appLicenceInfo->domains)) throw new Exception("Domains not found."); // TODO: mv to validate
 		$appLicenceInfo->installFolderExists = file_exists("{$appLicenceInfo->installPath}/SE");
 		$appLicenceInfo->installFolderGitExists = file_exists("{$appLicenceInfo->installPath}/.git");
 		return $appLicenceInfo;
-	public function generateApp($appLicenceInfo) {
+	public function validateAppLicenceInfo($appLicenceInfo) {
 		if (empty($appLicenceInfo->ID)) throw new Exception("Nie wybrano serwera/licencji.");
 		if (empty($appLicenceInfo->domains)) throw new Exception("Domains not found");
-		$installPath = $appLicenceInfo->installPath;
-		if (empty($installPath)) throw new Exception("Install path not found");
+		if (empty($appLicenceInfo->installPath)) throw new Exception("Install path not found");
+	}
+	public function generateApp($installPath, $domains, $projects = []) {
 		$cmds = array();
 		$cmds[] = "if [ -d {$installPath} ] ; then rm -rf '{$installPath}'; fi";
 		$cmds[] = "mkdir {$installPath}";
-		$cmds[] = "cd {$installPath} && git clone ssh:// .";
+		$cmds[] = "cd {$installPath} && git clone --depth 1 ssh:// .";
 		$cmds[] = "cd {$installPath} && echo `git show-ref --head|head -1|head -c 8` > SE/VERSION ";
-		//echo'<pre>cmds: ';print_r($cmds);echo'</pre>';
 		foreach ($cmds as $cmd) {
-			$out = ''; $ret = '';
-			exec($cmd, $out, $ret);
-			echo'<pre>cmd: '. $cmd . ': (return:'.$ret.')'."\n";print_r($out);echo'</pre>';
+			V::exec($cmd, $out, $ret);
+			DBG::nicePrint([ 'cmd' => $cmd, 'output' => $out ], "return: {$ret}");
-		$this->_encodeSource($appLicenceInfo);
-//	1763: $exec='cd '.$installer_dir.' && /Applications/ -b-
-//		'.INSTALL_SES_PROCESY_A::get_same_domains_for_install($h->SERVER_ADDRESS_SHORT).'
-//		-r *.php
-//		-x superedit-DB_PROCEDURES_CREATE.php
-//		-x INI.php
-//		-x .config_base_structure.php
-//	';
-//	INSTALL_SES_PROCESY_A::get_same_domains_for_install($h->SERVER_ADDRESS_SHORT):
-//			$res2=DB::query("select SERVER_ADDRESS_SHORT from SES_PROCESY5_A where SERVER_ADDRESS_IP='".$h->SERVER_ADDRESS_IP."'");
-//			while($h2=DB::fetch($res2)) {
-//			 	$domain[]=' --domain '.$h2->SERVER_ADDRESS_SHORT;
-//	ssh PHP 5.5.20
-//	ssh
-// cd /Users/plabudda/
-// sudo chown -R server:admin SE/
-// /Applications/ --phpversion 5.5 -b- --domain -r SE/*.php SE/se-lib/*.php SE/se-lib/*/*.php SE/se-lib/*/*/*.php SE/procesy/*.php SE/odt2xhtml/*.php -x superedit-DB_PROCEDURES_CREATE.php  -x INI.php  -x .config_base_structure.php
+		foreach ($projects as $projectName) {
+			$cmd = "ls -l SE/projects/{$projectName} | wc -l";
+			V::exec("cd {$installPath} && {$cmd}", $out, $ret);
+			DBG::nicePrint([ 'cmd' => $cmd, 'output' => $out ], "return: {$ret}");
+			if (!empty($out) && '0' !== trim($out[0])) {
+				// $cmd = "git submodule update SE/projects/{$projectName}";
+				$cmd = "cd SE/projects/{$projectName} && git reset --hard"; // revert encode source - checkout to last commit (need update)
+				V::exec("cd {$installPath} && {$cmd}", $out, $ret);
+				DBG::nicePrint([ 'cmd' => $cmd, 'output' => $out ], "return: {$ret}");
+			}
+			$cmd = "git submodule update --init SE/projects/{$projectName}"; // checkout to current commit
+			V::exec("cd {$installPath} && {$cmd}", $out, $ret);
+			DBG::nicePrint([ 'cmd' => $cmd, 'output' => $out ], "return: {$ret}");
+		}
+		$this->_encodeSource($installPath, $domains);
+		//	1763: $exec='cd '.$installer_dir.' && /Applications/ -b-
+		//		'.INSTALL_SES_PROCESY_A::get_same_domains_for_install($h->SERVER_ADDRESS_SHORT).'
+		//		-r *.php
+		//		-x superedit-DB_PROCEDURES_CREATE.php
+		//		-x INI.php
+		//		-x .config_base_structure.php
+		//	';
+		//
+		//	INSTALL_SES_PROCESY_A::get_same_domains_for_install($h->SERVER_ADDRESS_SHORT):
+		//			$res2=DB::query("select SERVER_ADDRESS_SHORT from SES_PROCESY5_A where SERVER_ADDRESS_IP='".$h->SERVER_ADDRESS_IP."'");
+		//			while($h2=DB::fetch($res2)) {
+		//			 	$domain[]=' --domain '.$h2->SERVER_ADDRESS_SHORT;
+		//	ssh PHP 5.5.20
+		//	ssh
+		// cd /Users/plabudda/
+		// sudo chown -R server:admin SE/
+		// /Applications/ --phpversion 5.5 -b- --domain -r SE/*.php SE/se-lib/*.php SE/se-lib/*/*.php SE/se-lib/*/*/*.php SE/procesy/*.php SE/odt2xhtml/*.php -x superedit-DB_PROCEDURES_CREATE.php  -x INI.php  -x .config_base_structure.php
 	public function fetchActiveLicences() {
@@ -498,6 +590,7 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function () {
 		//$this->menu($args['licence_id']);// TODO: GO BACK BTN
 		try {
 			$appLicenceInfo = $this->getAppLicenceInfo($args['licence_id']);
+			$this->validateAppLicenceInfo($appLicenceInfo);
 			// TODO: if (59 ) => baratosz.sledz - na lokalnym kompie
 			// bn:~/$ scp -r SE server@
@@ -525,22 +618,23 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function () {
 		if (V::get('DBG_REMOTE', '', $_GET)) {// DBG
 			$cmd = "echo ~";
 			V::exec("ssh {$sshArgs} {$sshHostUsr} '{$cmd}'", $out, $ret);
-			DBG::_(true, true, "exec(ssh ... 'cmd'): {$cmd} (return: {$ret})", $out, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+			DBG::log([ 'cmd-remote' => $cmd, 'output' => $out ], 'array', "return: {$ret}");
 			V::execRemote($appLicenceInfo->mainServer, $appLicenceInfo->rootLogin, $appLicenceInfo->rootPassword, $cmd, $out, $ret, $appLicenceInfo->sshPort);
-			DBG::_(true, true, "execRemote(cmd): {$cmd} (return: {$ret})", $out, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+			DBG::log([ 'cmd-remote' => $cmd, 'output' => $out ], 'array', "return: {$ret}");
 			V::execRootRemote($appLicenceInfo->mainServer, $appLicenceInfo->rootLogin, $appLicenceInfo->rootPassword, $cmd, $out, $ret, $appLicenceInfo->sshPort);
-			DBG::_(true, true, "execRootRemote(cmd): {$cmd} (return: {$ret})", $out, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+			DBG::log([ 'cmd-remote' => $cmd, 'output' => $out ], 'array', "return: {$ret}");
 		$cmd = "echo ~";
 		V::exec("ssh {$sshArgs} {$sshHostUsr} '{$cmd}'", $out, $ret);
-		DBG::_(true, true, "exec(ssh ... '{$cmd}') (return: {$ret})", $out, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+		DBG::log([ 'cmd-remote' => $cmd, 'output' => $out ], 'array', "return: {$ret}");
 		if (empty($out) || empty($out[0])) throw new Exception("Cannot fetch remote home dir");
 		return $out[0];
 	public function _sendToRemoteTestDir($appLicenceInfo) {
 		$cmd = ''; $out = ''; $ret = '';
+		$dryRunOnly = (V::get('dry-run', '', $_REQUEST)) ? "--dry-run" : "";
@@ -554,23 +648,18 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function () {
 			-t, --times                 preserve times
 			    --delete                delete extraneous files from dest dirs
-		DBG::_(true, true, "remote home dir:", $this->_fetchRemoteHomeDir($appLicenceInfo), __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+		$remoteDir = $this->_fetchRemoteHomeDir($appLicenceInfo);
+		DBG::log($remoteDir, 'array', "remote home dir:");
 		$cmd = "
 ssh {$sshArgs} {$sshHostUsr} '[ ! -d ~/se.encrypted.upgrade ] && mkdir ~/se.encrypted.upgrade || echo 1';
 ssh {$sshArgs} {$sshHostUsr} 'rm -rf ~/se.encrypted.upgrade/SE';
 ssh {$sshArgs} {$sshHostUsr} 'cp -r /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Default/SE ~/se.encrypted.upgrade/SE';
 ssh {$sshArgs} {$sshHostUsr} 'rm -rf ~/se.encrypted.upgrade/SE/config';
-rsync --archive --times --delete --compress --one-file-system --omit-dir-times --no-g --no-perms \
+rsync --archive --times --delete --compress --one-file-system --omit-dir-times --no-g --no-perms {$dryRunOnly} \
 	--verbose {$rsyncSshPort} \
-	--exclude='stuff/' \
-	--exclude='stuff/' \
-	--exclude='stuff/postgis' \
-	--exclude='stuff/postgis2' \
-	--exclude='stuff/KindleGen_Mac_i386_v2_9' \
-	--exclude='stuff/jdk-8u121-macosx-x64.dmg' \
-	--exclude='stuff/jre-8u112-macosx-x64.tar.gz' \
-	--exclude='stuff/jre-8u121-macosx-x64.dmg' \
+	--exclude='stuff' \
+	--exclude='stuff/**' \
 	--exclude='schema/default_db.instance.xml' \
 	--exclude='schema/default_db_xml_cache.public' \
 	--exclude='schema/default_db.instance.xml/**' \
@@ -580,9 +669,8 @@ ssh {$sshArgs} {$sshHostUsr} 'cp -r /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Default/SE/co
 ssh {$sshArgs} {$sshHostUsr} 'rm /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Default/se.encrypted.upgrade'
 ssh {$sshArgs} {$sshHostUsr} 'ln -s ~/se.encrypted.upgrade/SE /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Default/se.encrypted.upgrade'
-		// --dry-run \
 		V::exec($cmd, $out, $ret);
-		DBG::_(true, true, "cmd: {$cmd} (return: {$ret})", $out, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+		DBG::log([ 'cmd-remote' => $cmd, 'output' => $out ], 'array', "return: {$ret}");
 		if (0 !== $ret) throw new Exception("Cannot run remote command using rsa key! #{$ret}");
@@ -595,6 +683,7 @@ ssh {$sshArgs} {$sshHostUsr} 'ln -s ~/se.encrypted.upgrade/SE /Library/Server/We
 		//$this->menu($args['licence_id']);// TODO: GO BACK BTN
 		try {
 			$appLicenceInfo = $this->getAppLicenceInfo($args['licence_id']);
+			$this->validateAppLicenceInfo($appLicenceInfo);
 			echo "Test online: ";
 			echo UI::h('a', ['target'=>"_blank", 'href'=>"https://{$appLicenceInfo->mainServer}/SE/"], "https://{$appLicenceInfo->mainServer}/SE/");
@@ -693,4 +782,31 @@ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys;
 		if (0 !== $ret) throw new Exception("Cannot run remote command using rsa key! #{$ret}");
+	public function newGenerateApp($appLicenceInfo) {
+		if (empty($appLicenceInfo->ID)) throw new Exception("Nie wybrano serwera/licencji.");
+		if (empty($appLicenceInfo->domains)) throw new Exception("Domains not found");
+		$installPath = $appLicenceInfo->installPath;
+		if (empty($installPath)) throw new Exception("Install path not found");
+		$installPath .= '-p5';
+		$cmds = array();
+		$cmds[] = "if [ -d {$installPath} ] ; then rm -rf '{$installPath}'; fi";
+		$cmds[] = "mkdir {$installPath}";
+		$cmds[] = "cd {$installPath} && git clone --depth 1 ssh:// .";
+		$cmds[] = "cd {$installPath} && echo `git show-ref --head|head -1|head -c 8` > SE/VERSION ";
+		// TODO: fetch from DB
+		{
+			$projectName = "bravecare";
+			$cmds[] = "cd {$installPath} && git submodule update --init SE/projects/{$projectName}";
+		}
+		foreach ($cmds as $cmd) {
+			$out = ''; $ret = '';
+			exec($cmd, $out, $ret);
+			DBG::nicePrint([ 'cmd' => $cmd, 'output' => $out ], "return: {$ret}");
+		}
+		// $this->_encodeSource($appLicenceInfo->installPath, $appLicenceInfo->domains);
+	}