@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Lib::loadClass('UserProfile');
class Route_ViewTableAjax extends RouteBase {
- public function getTableAjaxWidget($acl, $backRefFilter = [], $childRefFilter = []) {
+ function getTableAjaxWidget($acl, $backRefFilter = [], $childRefFilter = []) {
$syncUrl = $this->getLink('', [ 'namespace' => $acl->getNamespace() ]);
$tbl = new TableAjax($acl);
@@ -64,353 +64,356 @@ class Route_ViewTableAjax extends RouteBase {
return $tbl;
- public function defaultAction() {
+ function defaultAction() {
try {
- $namespace = V::get('namespace', '', $_GET, 'word');
- if (!$namespace) {
- $typeName = V::get('typeName', '', $_GET, 'word');
- if (!$typeName) throw new Exception("Wrong param typeName");
- $namespace = Api_WfsNs::getBaseWfsUri() . '/' . str_replace(':', '/', $typeName);
+ $this->defaultView();
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ UI::startContainer();
+ UI::alert('danger', "<strong>Wystąpiły błędy!</strong> " . $e->getMessage());
+ UI::endContainer();
+ DBG::log($e);
+ }
+ UI::dol();
+ }
+ function defaultView() {
+ $namespace = V::get('namespace', '', $_GET, 'word');
+ if (!$namespace) {
+ $typeName = V::get('typeName', '', $_GET, 'word');
+ if (!$typeName) throw new Exception("Wrong param typeName");
+ $namespace = Api_WfsNs::getBaseWfsUri() . '/' . str_replace(':', '/', $typeName);
+ }
+ $acl = Core_AclHelper::getAclByNamespace($namespace, $forceTblAclInit = ('1' == V::get('_force', '', $_GET)));
+ $forceFilterInit = array();
+ $requestDataFilters = array();
+ $filterInit = new stdClass();
+ $filterInit->currSortCol = $acl->getPrimaryKeyField();
+ $filterInit->currSortFlip = 'desc';
+ foreach ($_REQUEST as $k => $v) {
+ if (strlen($k) > 3 && substr($k, 0, 2) == 'f_' && !empty($v)) {// filter prefix
+ $requestDataFilters[$k] = $v;
+ $filterInit->$k = $v;
- $acl = Core_AclHelper::getAclByNamespace($namespace, $forceTblAclInit = ('1' == V::get('_force', '', $_GET)));
- $forceFilterInit = array();
- $requestDataFilters = array();
- $filterInit = new stdClass();
- $filterInit->currSortCol = $acl->getPrimaryKeyField();
- $filterInit->currSortFlip = 'desc';
- foreach ($_REQUEST as $k => $v) {
- if (strlen($k) > 3 && substr($k, 0, 2) == 'f_' && !empty($v)) {// filter prefix
- $requestDataFilters[$k] = $v;
- $filterInit->$k = $v;
- }
- else if (strlen($k) > 4 && substr($k, 0, 3) == 'sf_' && !empty($v)) {// special filter prefix
- $requestDataFilters[$k] = $v;
- $filterInit->$k = $v;
- }
- else if (strlen($k) > 4 && substr($k, 0, 3) == 'ff_' && !empty($v)) {// force filter prefix
- $fldName = substr($k, 3);
- $forceFilterInit[$fldName] = $v;
- }
+ else if (strlen($k) > 4 && substr($k, 0, 3) == 'sf_' && !empty($v)) {// special filter prefix
+ $requestDataFilters[$k] = $v;
+ $filterInit->$k = $v;
- $backRefFilter = [
- 'namespace' => V::get('backRefNS', '', $_GET),
- 'primaryKey' => V::get('backRefPK', '', $_GET),
- 'fieldName' => V::get('backRefField', '', $_GET),
- ];
- $childRefFilter = [
- 'namespace' => V::get('childRefNS', '', $_GET),
- 'primaryKey' => V::get('childRefPK', '', $_GET),
- ];
- $tbl = $this->getTableAjaxWidget($acl, $backRefFilter, $childRefFilter);
- $lastDataFilters = $tbl->getFilters();
- DBG::log([
- '$requestDataFilters' => $requestDataFilters,
- '$lastDataFilters' => $lastDataFilters,
- ], 'array', "TODO:BUG?:filters");
- if (empty($lastDataFilters) && empty($requestDataFilters)) {
- DBG::log(['TODO: run setFilterInit', [
- 'currSortCol' => $acl->getPrimaryKeyField(),
- 'currSortFlip' => 'desc',
- ]], 'array', "TODO:BUG?:filters");
- $tbl->setFilterInit([
- 'currSortCol' => $acl->getPrimaryKeyField(),
- 'currSortFlip' => 'desc',
- ]);
- } else if (!empty($requestDataFilters)) {
- $tbl->setFilterInit($filterInit);
+ else if (strlen($k) > 4 && substr($k, 0, 3) == 'ff_' && !empty($v)) {// force filter prefix
+ $fldName = substr($k, 3);
+ $forceFilterInit[$fldName] = $v;
- if (!empty($forceFilterInit)) $tbl->setForceFilterInit($forceFilterInit);
- if (V::get('DBG_INST', '', $_GET)) { // TODO: TEST namespace
- $siblings = ACL::getNamespaceSiblings($namespace);
- DBG::nicePrint($siblings, '$siblings');
- $filtrInstance = V::get('f_instance', [], $_POST, 'array');
- DBG::nicePrint($filtrInstance, '$filtrInstance');
- $sibling = 'default_db/CRM_PROCES/PROCES_INIT'; DBG::nicePrint(array_merge(['type'=>"radio", 'name'=>"f_instance[{$sibling}]", 'value'=>'YES'], ('YES' === V::get($sibling, '', $filtrInstance)) ? ['checked' => "checked"] : []), "merge {$sibling} YES");
- $sibling = 'default_db/CRM_PROCES/PROCES_INIT'; DBG::nicePrint(array_merge(['type'=>"radio", 'name'=>"f_instance[{$sibling}]", 'value'=>'NO'], ('NO' === V::get($sibling, '', $filtrInstance)) ? ['checked' => "checked"] : []), "merge {$sibling} NO");
- $_ = array(UI, 'h');
- echo $_('form', ['method' => "POST", 'style' => "width:600px; border:1px solid #ddd; border-radius:2px"], [
- $_('div', ['style' => "background-color:#ddd"], "Test Filtr instancji"),
- $_('div', ['style' => "padding:8px"], array_map(function ($sibling) use ($filtrInstance, $_) {
- return $_('div', [], [
- $_('label', ['style' => "margin:0 8px"], [
- $_('input', array_merge(['type'=>"radio", 'name'=>"f_instance[{$sibling}]", 'value'=>'YES'], ('YES' === V::get($sibling, '', $filtrInstance)) ? ['checked' => "checked"] : [])),
- " TAK "
- ]),
- $_('label', ['style' => "margin:0 8px"], [
- $_('input', array_merge(['type'=>"radio", 'name'=>"f_instance[{$sibling}]", 'value'=>'NO'], ('NO' === V::get($sibling, '', $filtrInstance)) ? ['checked' => "checked"] : [])),
- " NIE "
- ]),
- $_('label', ['style' => "margin:0 8px"], [
- $_('input', ['type'=>"radio", 'name'=>"f_instance[{$sibling}]", 'value'=>'x']),
- " pomiń "
- ]),
- // $_('button', ['onClick'=>"this.form.f_instance['{$sibling}'].value = ''; return false"], "odznacz"),
- $_('button', ['onClick'=>"console.log(this.form.elements['f_instance[{$sibling}]']); this.form.elements['f_instance[{$sibling}]'].value = 'x'; return false"], "odznacz"),
- " - {$sibling}"
- ]);
- }, $siblings)),
- $_('div', [], [
- $_('input', ['type'=>"hidden", 'name'=>'_route', 'value'=>"ViewObject"]),
- $_('input', ['type'=>"hidden", 'name'=>'namespace', 'value'=>$namespace]),
- $_('input', ['type'=>"submit", 'value'=>"Filtruj - TEST"]),
- ]),
- ]);
- DBG::nicePrint($_POST, '$_POST');
- {
- $args = $_POST;
- $fIsInstance = [];
- $fIsNotInstance = [];
- if (!empty($args['f_instance'])) {
- foreach ($args['f_instance'] as $inst => $selected) {
- if ('YES' === $selected) {
- $fIsInstance[] = $inst;
- } else if ('NO' === $selected) {
- $fIsNotInstance[] = $inst;
- }
+ }
+ $backRefFilter = [
+ 'namespace' => V::get('backRefNS', '', $_GET),
+ 'primaryKey' => V::get('backRefPK', '', $_GET),
+ 'fieldName' => V::get('backRefField', '', $_GET),
+ ];
+ $childRefFilter = [
+ 'namespace' => V::get('childRefNS', '', $_GET),
+ 'primaryKey' => V::get('childRefPK', '', $_GET),
+ ];
+ $tbl = $this->getTableAjaxWidget($acl, $backRefFilter, $childRefFilter);
+ $lastDataFilters = $tbl->getFilters();
+ DBG::log([
+ '$requestDataFilters' => $requestDataFilters,
+ '$lastDataFilters' => $lastDataFilters,
+ ], 'array', "TODO:BUG?:filters");
+ if (empty($lastDataFilters) && empty($requestDataFilters)) {
+ DBG::log(['TODO: run setFilterInit', [
+ 'currSortCol' => $acl->getPrimaryKeyField(),
+ 'currSortFlip' => 'desc',
+ ]], 'array', "TODO:BUG?:filters");
+ $tbl->setFilterInit([
+ 'currSortCol' => $acl->getPrimaryKeyField(),
+ 'currSortFlip' => 'desc',
+ ]);
+ } else if (!empty($requestDataFilters)) {
+ $tbl->setFilterInit($filterInit);
+ }
+ if (!empty($forceFilterInit)) $tbl->setForceFilterInit($forceFilterInit);
+ if (V::get('DBG_INST', '', $_GET)) { // TODO: TEST namespace
+ $siblings = ACL::getNamespaceSiblings($namespace);
+ DBG::nicePrint($siblings, '$siblings');
+ $filtrInstance = V::get('f_instance', [], $_POST, 'array');
+ DBG::nicePrint($filtrInstance, '$filtrInstance');
+ $sibling = 'default_db/CRM_PROCES/PROCES_INIT'; DBG::nicePrint(array_merge(['type'=>"radio", 'name'=>"f_instance[{$sibling}]", 'value'=>'YES'], ('YES' === V::get($sibling, '', $filtrInstance)) ? ['checked' => "checked"] : []), "merge {$sibling} YES");
+ $sibling = 'default_db/CRM_PROCES/PROCES_INIT'; DBG::nicePrint(array_merge(['type'=>"radio", 'name'=>"f_instance[{$sibling}]", 'value'=>'NO'], ('NO' === V::get($sibling, '', $filtrInstance)) ? ['checked' => "checked"] : []), "merge {$sibling} NO");
+ $_ = array(UI, 'h');
+ echo $_('form', ['method' => "POST", 'style' => "width:600px; border:1px solid #ddd; border-radius:2px"], [
+ $_('div', ['style' => "background-color:#ddd"], "Test Filtr instancji"),
+ $_('div', ['style' => "padding:8px"], array_map(function ($sibling) use ($filtrInstance, $_) {
+ return $_('div', [], [
+ $_('label', ['style' => "margin:0 8px"], [
+ $_('input', array_merge(['type'=>"radio", 'name'=>"f_instance[{$sibling}]", 'value'=>'YES'], ('YES' === V::get($sibling, '', $filtrInstance)) ? ['checked' => "checked"] : [])),
+ " TAK "
+ ]),
+ $_('label', ['style' => "margin:0 8px"], [
+ $_('input', array_merge(['type'=>"radio", 'name'=>"f_instance[{$sibling}]", 'value'=>'NO'], ('NO' === V::get($sibling, '', $filtrInstance)) ? ['checked' => "checked"] : [])),
+ " NIE "
+ ]),
+ $_('label', ['style' => "margin:0 8px"], [
+ $_('input', ['type'=>"radio", 'name'=>"f_instance[{$sibling}]", 'value'=>'x']),
+ " pomiń "
+ ]),
+ // $_('button', ['onClick'=>"this.form.f_instance['{$sibling}'].value = ''; return false"], "odznacz"),
+ $_('button', ['onClick'=>"console.log(this.form.elements['f_instance[{$sibling}]']); this.form.elements['f_instance[{$sibling}]'].value = 'x'; return false"], "odznacz"),
+ " - {$sibling}"
+ ]);
+ }, $siblings)),
+ $_('div', [], [
+ $_('input', ['type'=>"hidden", 'name'=>'_route', 'value'=>"ViewObject"]),
+ $_('input', ['type'=>"hidden", 'name'=>'namespace', 'value'=>$namespace]),
+ $_('input', ['type'=>"submit", 'value'=>"Filtruj - TEST"]),
+ ]),
+ ]);
+ DBG::nicePrint($_POST, '$_POST');
+ {
+ $args = $_POST;
+ $fIsInstance = [];
+ $fIsNotInstance = [];
+ if (!empty($args['f_instance'])) {
+ foreach ($args['f_instance'] as $inst => $selected) {
+ if ('YES' === $selected) {
+ $fIsInstance[] = $inst;
+ } else if ('NO' === $selected) {
+ $fIsNotInstance[] = $inst;
- $queryFeatures = $acl->buildQuery([
- // TODO: 'propertyName' => "*,@instance",
- 'f_is_instance' => $fIsInstance,
- 'f_is_not_instance' => $fIsNotInstance,
- '@instances' => '1',
- 'limit' => 10
- ]);
- // $total = $queryFeatures->getTotal();
- $items = $queryFeatures->getItems();
- $rootNamespace = $acl->getRootNamespace();
- DBG::nicePrint($rootNamespace, '$rootNamespace');
- $jsRenderFunName = 'render_dropdown_instances_' . substr(md5(time()), 0, 6);
- DBG::nicePrint($jsRenderFunName, '$jsRenderFunName');
- UI::table([
- 'rows' => array_map(function($row) use ($namespace, $siblings, $rootNamespace, $jsRenderFunName) {
- return [
- 'ID' => $row['ID'],
- 'DESC' => $row['DESC'],
- 'TYPE' => $row['TYPE'],
- 'Typ' => UI::h('div', ['class'=>"p5UI__dropdown-wrap"], [
- UI::h('button', [
- // 'onClick' => "p5UI__dropdown(event, this, 'left bottom')",
- 'onClick' => "p5UI__dropdown(event, this, 'left bottom', {$jsRenderFunName}({$row['ID']}))",
- 'class' => "btn btn-xs btn-default p5UI__dropdown-btn"
- ], [
- UI::h('i', ['class' => "glyphicon glyphicon-tags", 'title' => "Ustaw typ danych (instancje)"]),
- ]),
- UI::h('div', ['class' => "p5UI__dropdown-content"]
- , array_merge(
- [
- UI::h('input', ['type' => "text", 'placeholder' => "Search..", 'class' => "p5UI__dropdown-input", 'onkeyup' => "p5_ViewObject_instances_filterInput(this)"], null),
- ]
- , array_map(function ($sibling) use ($row, $namespace, $rootNamespace) {
- return UI::h('div', ['label'=>$sibling, 'style'=>"padding:4px 0"], [
- UI::h('button', array_merge(['class' => "btn btn-xs btn-default",
- 'style' => "margin:0 4px 0 0",
- 'title' => "Ustaw instancje '{$sibling}'",
- 'onClick' => "return p5_ViewObject_instance_set(this, '{$row['ID']}', '{$sibling}', 'yes')"],
- (in_array($sibling, explode(',', $row['@instances']))) ? ['disabled' => "disabled"] : []
- ), "+"),
- UI::h('button', ['class' => "btn btn-xs btn-default",
- 'style' => "margin:0 4px 0 0",
- 'title' => "Usuń instancje '{$sibling}'",
- 'onClick' => "return p5_ViewObject_instance_set(this, '{$row['ID']}', '{$sibling}', 'no')"], "-"),
- UI::h('span', [], substr($sibling, strlen($rootNamespace) + 1)),
- ]);
- }, $siblings)
- )
- )
+ }
+ $queryFeatures = $acl->buildQuery([
+ // TODO: 'propertyName' => "*,@instance",
+ 'f_is_instance' => $fIsInstance,
+ 'f_is_not_instance' => $fIsNotInstance,
+ '@instances' => '1',
+ 'limit' => 10
+ ]);
+ // $total = $queryFeatures->getTotal();
+ $items = $queryFeatures->getItems();
+ $rootNamespace = $acl->getRootNamespace();
+ DBG::nicePrint($rootNamespace, '$rootNamespace');
+ $jsRenderFunName = 'render_dropdown_instances_' . substr(md5(time()), 0, 6);
+ DBG::nicePrint($jsRenderFunName, '$jsRenderFunName');
+ UI::table([
+ 'rows' => array_map(function($row) use ($namespace, $siblings, $rootNamespace, $jsRenderFunName) {
+ return [
+ 'ID' => $row['ID'],
+ 'DESC' => $row['DESC'],
+ 'TYPE' => $row['TYPE'],
+ 'Typ' => UI::h('div', ['class'=>"p5UI__dropdown-wrap"], [
+ UI::h('button', [
+ // 'onClick' => "p5UI__dropdown(event, this, 'left bottom')",
+ 'onClick' => "p5UI__dropdown(event, this, 'left bottom', {$jsRenderFunName}({$row['ID']}))",
+ 'class' => "btn btn-xs btn-default p5UI__dropdown-btn"
+ ], [
+ UI::h('i', ['class' => "glyphicon glyphicon-tags", 'title' => "Ustaw typ danych (instancje)"]),
- 'instancesList' => implode(', ', ACL::getFeatureNamespaces($namespace, $row['ID'])),
+ UI::h('div', ['class' => "p5UI__dropdown-content"]
+ , array_merge(
+ [
+ UI::h('input', ['type' => "text", 'placeholder' => "Search..", 'class' => "p5UI__dropdown-input", 'onkeyup' => "p5_ViewObject_instances_filterInput(this)"], null),
+ ]
+ , array_map(function ($sibling) use ($row, $namespace, $rootNamespace) {
+ return UI::h('div', ['label'=>$sibling, 'style'=>"padding:4px 0"], [
+ UI::h('button', array_merge(['class' => "btn btn-xs btn-default",
+ 'style' => "margin:0 4px 0 0",
+ 'title' => "Ustaw instancje '{$sibling}'",
+ 'onClick' => "return p5_ViewObject_instance_set(this, '{$row['ID']}', '{$sibling}', 'yes')"],
+ (in_array($sibling, explode(',', $row['@instances']))) ? ['disabled' => "disabled"] : []
+ ), "+"),
+ UI::h('button', ['class' => "btn btn-xs btn-default",
+ 'style' => "margin:0 4px 0 0",
+ 'title' => "Usuń instancje '{$sibling}'",
+ 'onClick' => "return p5_ViewObject_instance_set(this, '{$row['ID']}', '{$sibling}', 'no')"], "-"),
+ UI::h('span', [], substr($sibling, strlen($rootNamespace) + 1)),
+ ]);
+ }, $siblings)
+ )
+ )
+ ]),
+ 'instancesList' => implode(', ', ACL::getFeatureNamespaces($namespace, $row['ID'])),
+ ];
+ }, $items)
+ ]);
+ echo UI::h('style', ['type' => "text/css"], "
+ .p5UI__dropdown-content { min-width:400px; border:1px solid #ccc; background-color: #fff; box-shadow: 0px 8px 16px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.2) }
+ .p5UI__dropdown-content .p5UI__dropdown-item { display:block; color:#000; padding:4px; text-decoration:none }
+ .p5UI__dropdown-content .p5UI__dropdown-item:hover { background-color:#ebebeb }
+ ");
+ echo UI::h('script', ['src'=>"static/vendor.js?v=816e859d", 'type'=>"text/javascript"]);
+ $jsArgs = [
+ 'SET_INSTANCE_URL' => $this->getLink('setInstanceAjax'),
+ 'NAMESPACE' => $namespace,
+ 'DBG' => DBG::isActive() ? 'true' : 'false',
+ ];
+ UI::inlineJS(__FILE__ . '.instancesDropdown.js', [
+ 'JS_GLOBAL_FUNCTION_NAME' => $jsRenderFunName,
+ 'NAMESPACE' => $namespace,
+ 'SET_INSTANCE_URL' => $this->getLink('setInstanceAjax'),
+ 'DBG' => DBG::isActive() ? 1 : 0,
+ // 'allowed_instances' => $siblings,
+ 'allowed_instances' => array_map(function ($sibling) use ($rootNamespace) {
+ return [
+ 'namespace' => $sibling,
+ 'label' => substr($sibling, strlen($rootNamespace) + 1)
+ ];
+ }, $siblings),
+ 'items' => array_map(function($row) use ($namespace, $siblings, $rootNamespace, $jsRenderFunName) {
+ return [
+ 'pk' => $row['ID'], // TODO: $primaryKeyField
+ 'instances' => explode(',', $row['@instances']),
}, $items)
- ]);
- echo UI::h('style', ['type' => "text/css"], "
- .p5UI__dropdown-content { min-width:400px; border:1px solid #ccc; background-color: #fff; box-shadow: 0px 8px 16px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.2) }
- .p5UI__dropdown-content .p5UI__dropdown-item { display:block; color:#000; padding:4px; text-decoration:none }
- .p5UI__dropdown-content .p5UI__dropdown-item:hover { background-color:#ebebeb }
- ");
- echo UI::h('script', ['src'=>"static/vendor.js?v=816e859d", 'type'=>"text/javascript"]);
- $jsArgs = [
- 'SET_INSTANCE_URL' => $this->getLink('setInstanceAjax'),
- 'NAMESPACE' => $namespace,
- 'DBG' => DBG::isActive() ? 'true' : 'false',
- ];
- UI::inlineJS(__FILE__ . '.instancesDropdown.js', [
- 'JS_GLOBAL_FUNCTION_NAME' => $jsRenderFunName,
- 'NAMESPACE' => $namespace,
- 'SET_INSTANCE_URL' => $this->getLink('setInstanceAjax'),
- 'DBG' => DBG::isActive() ? 1 : 0,
- // 'allowed_instances' => $siblings,
- 'allowed_instances' => array_map(function ($sibling) use ($rootNamespace) {
- return [
- 'namespace' => $sibling,
- 'label' => substr($sibling, strlen($rootNamespace) + 1)
- ];
- }, $siblings),
- 'items' => array_map(function($row) use ($namespace, $siblings, $rootNamespace, $jsRenderFunName) {
- return [
- 'pk' => $row['ID'], // TODO: $primaryKeyField
- 'instances' => explode(',', $row['@instances']),
- ];
- }, $items)
- ],
- ]);
- echo UI::h('script', [], "
- var NAMESPACE = '{$jsArgs['NAMESPACE']}'
- function p5_ViewObject_instance_set(n, pk, sibling, toConnect) {
- console.log('p5_ViewObject_instance_set pk('+pk+'), sibling('+sibling+'), toConnect('+toConnect+'), n', n);
- window.fetch(SET_INSTANCE_URL, {
- method: 'POST',
- headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
- credentials: 'same-origin',
- body: JSON.stringify({
- namespace: NAMESPACE,
- primaryKey: pk,
- instance: sibling,
- toConnect: toConnect,
- })
- }).then(function (response) {
- return response.json()
- }).then(function (response) {
- p5UI__notifyAjaxCallback(response)
- console.log(response) // TODO: render list
+ ],
+ ]);
+ echo UI::h('script', [], "
+ var NAMESPACE = '{$jsArgs['NAMESPACE']}'
+ function p5_ViewObject_instance_set(n, pk, sibling, toConnect) {
+ console.log('p5_ViewObject_instance_set pk('+pk+'), sibling('+sibling+'), toConnect('+toConnect+'), n', n);
+ window.fetch(SET_INSTANCE_URL, {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
+ credentials: 'same-origin',
+ body: JSON.stringify({
+ namespace: NAMESPACE,
+ primaryKey: pk,
+ instance: sibling,
+ toConnect: toConnect,
- }
- ");
- echo UI::h('script', [], "
- function p5_ViewObject_instances_filterInput(n) {
- var input, filter, ul, li, a, i, div;
- input = n // .id-myInput
- filter = input.value.toUpperCase()
- div = n.parentNode // .id-myDropdown
- a = div.getElementsByTagName('div')
- for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
- if (a[i].getAttribute('label') && a[i].getAttribute('label').toUpperCase().indexOf(filter) > -1) {
- a[i].style.display = 'block'
- } else {
- a[i].style.display = 'none'
- }
+ }).then(function (response) {
+ return response.json()
+ }).then(function (response) {
+ p5UI__notifyAjaxCallback(response)
+ console.log(response) // TODO: render list
+ })
+ }
+ ");
+ echo UI::h('script', [], "
+ function p5_ViewObject_instances_filterInput(n) {
+ var input, filter, ul, li, a, i, div;
+ input = n // .id-myInput
+ filter = input.value.toUpperCase()
+ div = n.parentNode // .id-myDropdown
+ a = div.getElementsByTagName('div')
+ for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
+ if (a[i].getAttribute('label') && a[i].getAttribute('label').toUpperCase().indexOf(filter) > -1) {
+ a[i].style.display = 'block'
+ } else {
+ a[i].style.display = 'none'
- ");
- echo '<hr style="margin-top:300px">';
- exit;
- }
- echo $tbl->render();
- if (DBG::isActive() && V::get('DBG_ACL', '', $_GET)) {// test load perms
- Lib::loadClass('DebugExecutionTime');
- $dbgExecTime = new DebugExecutionTime();
- $dbgExecTime->activate();
- $dbgExecTime->log('start');
- UI::startContainer(['style'=>'border:1px solid red']);
- UI::tag('p', null, "TEST - load perms from db");
- $idTable = $acl->getID();
- UI::tag('p', null, "DBG idTable({$idTable})");
- if ($idTable > 0) {
- $dbgExecTime->log('before sql');
- $aclTableRows = DB::getPDO()->fetchAll("select * from `CRM_PROCES_idx_TABLE_TO_PROCES_PERMS_VIEW` where ID_TABLE = {$idTable}");
- $dbgExecTime->log('after sql', ['sql']);
- UI::table(['caption' => "from CRM_PROCES_idx_TABLE_TO_PROCES_PERMS_VIEW", 'rows' => $aclTableRows]);
- $csvIdProces = array();
- foreach ($aclTableRows as $row) {
- if (!in_array($row['ID_PROCES'], $csvIdProces)) $csvIdProces[] = $row['ID_PROCES'];
- }
+ ");
+ echo '<hr style="margin-top:300px">';
+ exit;
+ }
+ echo $tbl->render();
+ if (DBG::isActive() && V::get('DBG_ACL', '', $_GET)) {// test load perms
+ Lib::loadClass('DebugExecutionTime');
+ $dbgExecTime = new DebugExecutionTime();
+ $dbgExecTime->activate();
+ $dbgExecTime->log('start');
+ UI::startContainer(['style'=>'border:1px solid red']);
+ UI::tag('p', null, "TEST - load perms from db");
+ $idTable = $acl->getID();
+ UI::tag('p', null, "DBG idTable({$idTable})");
+ if ($idTable > 0) {
+ $dbgExecTime->log('before sql');
+ $aclTableRows = DB::getPDO()->fetchAll("select * from `CRM_PROCES_idx_TABLE_TO_PROCES_PERMS_VIEW` where ID_TABLE = {$idTable}");
+ $dbgExecTime->log('after sql', ['sql']);
+ UI::table(['caption' => "from CRM_PROCES_idx_TABLE_TO_PROCES_PERMS_VIEW", 'rows' => $aclTableRows]);
+ $csvIdProces = array();
+ foreach ($aclTableRows as $row) {
+ if (!in_array($row['ID_PROCES'], $csvIdProces)) $csvIdProces[] = $row['ID_PROCES'];
+ }
+ }
- $tableName = $acl->getName();
- $databaseName = DB::getPDO()->getDatabaseName();
- UI::table([
- 'caption' => "Cell to process",
- 'rows' => array_map(
- function ($row) use ($aclTableRows, $idTable) {
- $row['proces'] = array();
- $row['id_zasob'] = 0;
- $row['PERM_R'] = 0;
- $row['PERM_W'] = 0;
- $row['PERM_X'] = 0;
- $row['PERM_C'] = 0;
- $row['PERM_S'] = 0;
- $row['PERM_O'] = 0;
- $row['PERM_V'] = 0;
- $row['PERM_E'] = 0;
- foreach ($aclTableRows as $aclInfo) {
- if (strtolower($aclInfo['CELL_NAME']) == strtolower($row['COLUMN_NAME'])) {
- $row['proces'][] = $aclInfo['ID_PROCES'];
- $row['id_zasob'] = $aclInfo['ID_CELL'];
- $row['PERM_R'] += $aclInfo['PERM_R'];
- $row['PERM_W'] += $aclInfo['PERM_W'];
- $row['PERM_X'] += $aclInfo['PERM_X'];
- $row['PERM_C'] += $aclInfo['PERM_C'];
- $row['PERM_S'] += $aclInfo['PERM_S'];
- $row['PERM_O'] += $aclInfo['PERM_O'];
- $row['PERM_V'] += $aclInfo['PERM_V'];
- $row['PERM_E'] += $aclInfo['PERM_E'];
- }
+ $tableName = $acl->getName();
+ $databaseName = DB::getPDO()->getDatabaseName();
+ UI::table([
+ 'caption' => "Cell to process",
+ 'rows' => array_map(
+ function ($row) use ($aclTableRows, $idTable) {
+ $row['proces'] = array();
+ $row['id_zasob'] = 0;
+ $row['PERM_R'] = 0;
+ $row['PERM_W'] = 0;
+ $row['PERM_X'] = 0;
+ $row['PERM_C'] = 0;
+ $row['PERM_S'] = 0;
+ $row['PERM_O'] = 0;
+ $row['PERM_V'] = 0;
+ $row['PERM_E'] = 0;
+ foreach ($aclTableRows as $aclInfo) {
+ if (strtolower($aclInfo['CELL_NAME']) == strtolower($row['COLUMN_NAME'])) {
+ $row['proces'][] = $aclInfo['ID_PROCES'];
+ $row['id_zasob'] = $aclInfo['ID_CELL'];
+ $row['PERM_R'] += $aclInfo['PERM_R'];
+ $row['PERM_W'] += $aclInfo['PERM_W'];
+ $row['PERM_X'] += $aclInfo['PERM_X'];
+ $row['PERM_C'] += $aclInfo['PERM_C'];
+ $row['PERM_S'] += $aclInfo['PERM_S'];
+ $row['PERM_O'] += $aclInfo['PERM_O'];
+ $row['PERM_V'] += $aclInfo['PERM_V'];
+ $row['PERM_E'] += $aclInfo['PERM_E'];
- $row['proces'] = (empty($row['proces']))
- ? "<i style=\"color:red\">Brak</i>"
- : implode(", ", $row['proces']);
- if (!$row['id_zasob']) $row['id_zasob'] = DB::getPDO()->fetchValue("select ID from CRM_LISTA_ZASOBOW where `DESC` = '{$row['COLUMN_NAME']}' and PARENT_ID = {$idTable} limit 1");
- return $row;
- }, DB::getPDO()->fetchAll("
- from `information_schema`.`COLUMNS` t
- where t.TABLE_SCHEMA = '{$databaseName}'
- and t.TABLE_NAME like '{$tableName}'
- ")
- )
- ]);
- if (!empty($csvIdProces)) {
- $csvIdProces = implode(",", $csvIdProces);
- UI::tag('p', null, "DBG csvIdProces({$csvIdProces})");
- $userLogin = User::getLogin();
- $dbgExecTime->log('before sql');
- $rows = DB::getPDO()->fetchAll("select ID_PROCES from `CRM_PROCES_idx_USER_to_PROCES_VIEW` where ADM_ACCOUNT = '{$userLogin}' and ID_PROCES in({$csvIdProces}) group by ID_PROCES");
- $dbgExecTime->log('after sql', ['sql']);
- UI::table(['caption' => "from CRM_PROCES_idx_USER_to_PROCES_VIEW", 'rows' => $rows]);
- $userIdProces = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) $userIdProces[] = $row['ID_PROCES'];
- $userTablePerms = array();
- foreach ($aclTableRows as $row) {
- if (!in_array($row['ID_PROCES'], $userIdProces)) continue;
- if (array_key_exists($row['CELL_NAME'], $userTablePerms)) {
- $userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'PERM_R' ] += $row['PERM_R'];
- $userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'PERM_W' ] += $row['PERM_W'];
- $userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'PERM_X' ] += $row['PERM_X'];
- $userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'PERM_C' ] += $row['PERM_C'];
- $userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'PERM_S' ] += $row['PERM_S'];
- $userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'PERM_O' ] += $row['PERM_O'];
- $userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'PERM_V' ] += $row['PERM_V'];
- $userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'PERM_E' ] += $row['PERM_E'];
- } else {
- $userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ] = $row;
- unset($userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'TABLE_DESCRIPTION' ]);
- unset($userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'ID_PROCES' ]);
- unset($userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'FORM_TREAT' ]);
+ $row['proces'] = (empty($row['proces']))
+ ? "<i style=\"color:red\">Brak</i>"
+ : implode(", ", $row['proces']);
+ if (!$row['id_zasob']) $row['id_zasob'] = DB::getPDO()->fetchValue("select ID from CRM_LISTA_ZASOBOW where `DESC` = '{$row['COLUMN_NAME']}' and PARENT_ID = {$idTable} limit 1");
+ return $row;
+ }, DB::getPDO()->fetchAll("
+ from `information_schema`.`COLUMNS` t
+ where t.TABLE_SCHEMA = '{$databaseName}'
+ and t.TABLE_NAME like '{$tableName}'
+ ")
+ )
+ ]);
+ if (!empty($csvIdProces)) {
+ $csvIdProces = implode(",", $csvIdProces);
+ UI::tag('p', null, "DBG csvIdProces({$csvIdProces})");
+ $userLogin = User::getLogin();
+ $dbgExecTime->log('before sql');
+ $rows = DB::getPDO()->fetchAll("select ID_PROCES from `CRM_PROCES_idx_USER_to_PROCES_VIEW` where ADM_ACCOUNT = '{$userLogin}' and ID_PROCES in({$csvIdProces}) group by ID_PROCES");
+ $dbgExecTime->log('after sql', ['sql']);
+ UI::table(['caption' => "from CRM_PROCES_idx_USER_to_PROCES_VIEW", 'rows' => $rows]);
+ $userIdProces = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) $userIdProces[] = $row['ID_PROCES'];
+ $userTablePerms = array();
+ foreach ($aclTableRows as $row) {
+ if (!in_array($row['ID_PROCES'], $userIdProces)) continue;
+ if (array_key_exists($row['CELL_NAME'], $userTablePerms)) {
+ $userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'PERM_R' ] += $row['PERM_R'];
+ $userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'PERM_W' ] += $row['PERM_W'];
+ $userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'PERM_X' ] += $row['PERM_X'];
+ $userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'PERM_C' ] += $row['PERM_C'];
+ $userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'PERM_S' ] += $row['PERM_S'];
+ $userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'PERM_O' ] += $row['PERM_O'];
+ $userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'PERM_V' ] += $row['PERM_V'];
+ $userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'PERM_E' ] += $row['PERM_E'];
+ } else {
+ $userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ] = $row;
+ unset($userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'TABLE_DESCRIPTION' ]);
+ unset($userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'ID_PROCES' ]);
+ unset($userTablePerms[ $row['CELL_NAME'] ][ 'FORM_TREAT' ]);
- UI::table(['caption' => "\$userTablePerms", 'rows' => $userTablePerms]);
- } else UI::alert('warning', "brak \$csvIdProces");
- $dbgExecTime->printDebug();
- UI::endContainer();
- }
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- UI::startContainer();
- UI::alert('danger', "<strong>Wystąpiły błędy!</strong> " . $e->getMessage());
+ }
+ UI::table(['caption' => "\$userTablePerms", 'rows' => $userTablePerms]);
+ } else UI::alert('warning', "brak \$csvIdProces");
+ $dbgExecTime->printDebug();
- DBG::log($e);
- UI::dol();
public function setInstanceAjaxAction() {